Erika Carlier Photography

About Erika Carlier Photography

Erika Carlier

Capturing your moments

I’m Erika! My passions stem far beyond photographing all of you lovely people. I have a deep rooted desire in helping others, and I believe that my photography is part of that mission. Being able to capture moments and deliver them to people to have forever is one of my biggest driving forces for being a photographer. (Other than the fact that it’s my creative outlet, helps me stay sane, keeps me happy, and all of that.) Some other passions beyond the camera are traveling, food, and above all else a fine palette for good coffee and wine. You can almost guarantee that I am trying to plan my next trip on the way home from the last one.

I am a goal orientated gal, who thrives on organization, but is constantly buying too many things. I am the introvert who is hoping so desperately that some of her extroverted friends rub off on her. My passion for giving you pictures that you will cherish forever is what will push me to do whatever it takes for the perfect shot. I am here to give you everything you asked for.



  • Bride-only session
  • Engagement session
  • Extra hours
  • Image editing
  • Printing rights
  • Same-day edits
  • Second photographer


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