“Our overall experience was phenomenal, in our opinion we received celebrity treatment. Imagine meeting an artist and cake master all in one. Mrs. Lori was responsive, courteous and well prepared at all times. At our cake tasting, there were a plethora of flavors and options along with a cold glass of water to wash all of the deliciousness down. The ambience was warm and inviting. After seeing all of the wonderful prototype cake arrangements, we trusted her judgment and gave her full autonomy in our cake design. We developed a relationship with Mrs. Lori and will forever hold her near and dear to our hearts, we gave her a Wedding invitation along with first look at our the Wedding sign which we made ourselves. Can you believe she found a way to incorporate it into the cake. A complete Masterpiece!! We Love Our Cake!! It tastes amazing, we keep taking slices out of the freezer to eat and each slice tastes as wonderful as the first!!! We highly recommend her for anything cake and art related. Her cakes of art are second to none!”