Why does my design look blurry or pixelated?

If a design looks blurry or pixelated after uploading, there are several factors that could be causing the issue:

  • Low Resolution: The design might be in a low-resolution format, such as a small image or one with a low pixel density (DPI or PPI). Images meant for print should typically be at least 300 DPI for optimal clarity. You can usually verify the resolution of your image by opening it in a photo editing software or online tool (usually found under settings like “Image Properties” or “Image Resolution”). If your image is 72PPI, the quality is much too low and will result in a blurry print.

  • Scaling: If the design is enlarged or scaled up significantly from its original size, it can appear blurry or pixelated due to stretching the pixels. For example, it is NOT advised to take an image at 72PPI and increase the resolution to 300PPI; this will only make things look more pixelated and low-quality. If your image has a very low PPI, the best thing you can do is start over by creating a new canvas, making sure to set the resolution to 300PPI from the start, and adding in your elements to this new canvas.

  • Device Resolution: The resolution of the device used to view the design can also impact how it appears (your desktop monitor, for example, versus your phone screen). High-resolution screens may display images differently than lower-resolution screens.

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