How do I add or edit questions to guests in RSVP?

For any events on your website, you can add meal choices and "other questions" - these are open ended questions that guests can fill in (think song choices, allergies, etc.) You can find your guests answers to these questions in the Track RSVPs page of your Guest List!

If you want to add or edit these questions (including meal options), you can do so from your website:

  1. Go to your "Guest List" page.
  2. Click on the "Your Events" tab.
  3. Click into the Event you want to edit.
  4. Scroll down on the page until you see the options to add/edit meal choices and other questions.


You can find guests' answers to these questions on your "Track RSVPs" page, and can export those responses in a .CSV/Excel sheet if you need to share those meal choices/answers with someone like a caterer!

After you edit the question, anyone who RSVPs will see your newly edited version (and the same goes for meal options).

Working from the app?

Tap into the Guests + RSVP icon on the home screen of your app > tap into the Events tab > tap into the Event you want to edit > tap into the Details tab and you'll be able to edit/add meal choices and other questions!


Questions in this section

Questions in this section