September 17, 2021
St. Andrews, Scotland

Erin & Sean

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Donald Tod

Best Man

Sean and I were lucky enough to grow up across the road from one another. We had a glorious childhood spent exploring the mountains, forests, and rivers surrounding our village. Cannot begin to say how many memories we have together. While we went our separate ways for uni, Sean to do his 16 degrees in St Andrews and Cambridge, and I went off to do my 1 degree in Edinburgh, we have remained the closest of friends. We have travelled the world together (I hope this continues in married life…) and last year spent lockdown together, roaming around the delights that Scotland has to offer. When not acting like children with Sean, I jet around the world as an Officer with the RAF. Where you’ll find me? Hard one… Suffolk, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, abroad or of course our wonderful Scotland.



I grew up in Aberdeenshire and went on to study physics in St Andrews. Sean and I studied together, which worked very well for me, he has a talent for bringing out the best in people. I would not be half the scientist I am today without him. I now work in radiotherapy in Newcastle and am excitedly looking forward to being back in St Andrews with both Sean and Erin. They are two of my favourite people to be with, and I can’t wait to celebrate with them.



Sean has been a great friend for over two decades now. Growing up in Comrie our friendship was formed over bike rides, playing football or climbing up hills/trees and I am pleased to say very little has changed when we see each other now! I currently live just outside Edinburgh with my girlfriend Morag and I look forward to being part of Sean and Erin’s special day and wish them both a very happy future together.



Hello! I’m Daryl, Sean & Erin’s ridiculously good-looking friend. I met Sean during our Fresher’s week in 2011. He sported a braided leather necklace and the remnants of blonde highlights so I mentally dubbed him ‘surfer Sean’ and assumed he had wandered into University by mistake. Was he looking for the nearby beach to catch some waves? Imagine my surprise when he showed up to my Physics class the following day. My favourite thing about Sean is his MacGyver-like approach to life. From building a contraption to extend his poxy single bed into a luxurious double, to the pulley system that suspended our WiFi router in mid-air. If Sean’s relationship-building skills match his pulley system-building skills, then Erin’s in for a marriage that’s eternally strong – just like my WiFi signal.



Since moving to Comrie, Sean, Donald, Ross and I have been close friends. Sean’s tree climbing ability is well known and we’d not find him playing Buzz Off, he was at the top of a tree! Sean’s other defining feature is a lack of clothes; jogging around my village (locals call him “topless man”) or Budapest in winter with only a T shirt and shorts. I studied Medicine at Glasgow uni and work as a psychiatrist in Oxfordshire. Outside of work I enjoy exercising, singing, seeing friends and our puppy and supporting Watford! We have always played sport together and Sean’s mental grit is to be admired! Sean is a kind and thoughtful person who always looks out for others. Sean will be a groomsman at our wedding. It’s been a pleasure meeting Erin and I look forward to seeing them regularly


Maid of Honor

Erin and I met for the very first time at the hospital in 1993, when Erin discovered, for better or worse, that she was no longer an only child. It didn’t take long before us two sisters became the best of friends. Erin has inspired me since I can remember and has guided me in ways she doesn’t even realize—through her kindness and gentleness towards others, intellectual curiosity, humor, and big sister wisdom. I credit her (among many other things) for introducing me to my lifelong friends, for instilling in me my love of horses (and all animals), and for showing me the virtue in following your heart (in career, in travel, and in love). I am beyond thrilled that she has found her life partner in Sean, who really has felt like a brother to me since I first met him!



Laura and Erin met when they were 4 or 5 years old and have been the best of friends ever since! They grew up riding horses together, having sleepovers, and staying loyal to each other even through the awkward middle school years into high school, college, and beyond! Laura knew Sean was something special when Erin decided to study abroad in Scotland for a second semester. She is thrilled they are tying the knot! Laura lives in Raleigh, NC and works at Make-A-Wish. During free time, she enjoys visiting the beach, blogging at Fairly Southern, and going on walks with her husband Wes and dog Rufus! 



Growing up just three houses apart, I met Erin before I can remember! We hung out nearly every day, whether that was "gabbing" at the bus stop after school, riding horses, or trying to get tan by the pool in our high school years. We were fortunate to grow even closer as we got older, even as we went off to separate colleges, cities, and countries. I am lucky to receive her sweet friendship, and she has often been a listening ear and lifeline for me. While I was studying abroad in Spain in 2013, I got the chance to visit Erin and Sean in St. Andrews and seeing them together confirmed to me that they are soulmates. Now, I look forward to seeing both Erin and Sean when life allows! They are cherished friends, and I’m excited to witness the beautiful life they will continue to build together.



I’ve known Erin since my family moved to Concord and when I was almost 3. I remember many years of going to see the Nutcracker in Charlotte together and going to Carolinas panthers games with our families (where she and I barely paid attention to the game). Once when we were little, I announced that Erin was ‘petrified’ of the hand dryers at a pizza restaurant. I visited Erin and Sean in St Andrews when she was studying abroad in 2013, and I am looking forward to going back to Scotland for their wedding!



Maeve and Erin met while working on history PhDs at Cambridge. They became close friends almost immediately after meeting at History for Schools, a volunteer outreach program for school children. The first time that Erin, Maeve, Erroll and Sean got together for dinner, Erin and Maeve noticed that they were wearing the exact same Essie nail polish color in a seafoam green—it was fate! The similarities did not stop there, as they share a love of many things from J. Crew and Liberty prints to flowers, books, and baking—though Maeve is the superior baker! Erin credits Maeve for helping her to survive the Cambridge PhD (with regular gatherings and many cups of hot tea) and they have remained close friends ever since. Maeve now lives in Cambridge with her husband Erroll and their son Virgil.

For all the days along the way
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