October 2, 2021
Frankfort, KY

Dana & Hallie

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet The Bridesband: a collection of the people we have looked up to, learned from, and became adults with. They are the people we can call at 3pm or 3am. The friends or family who are ready for any crazy adventure we come up with--camping, cross-country road trip, midnight cookie run. Our siblings, cousins, best friends, frequent faces of childhood and beyond. Without further ado...

Lianne Smith

Hand of the Bride

There would be no Remus without Romulus, no Tia without Tamera, and no Serena without Venus. In much the same way, there is no Lianne without Dana. With no mind to their 5 year difference, the sisters have been a shining example of what it's like to fuse the word sister with friend. When they were younger, Dana often translated Lianne's sentences or requests—to the point where they seemed to communicate in their own language. Months from now, when Dana is wearing the crown of Ultimate Bridezilla, she knows she'll be able to count on Lianne to use those same skills to translate all the roars and crankiness to rainbows and sunshine. Lianne’s reaction when asked to be a Hand of the Bride: "Oh, boy."

Davis Bates

Hand of the Bride

The eldest of the Bates siblings, or 1/3 of the "Three Ninjas', as they often referred to themselves when they were younger. Davis also happens to be a social media master ("He has the cleverest tweets" - everyone), a political strategist who fights for the planet AND equality ("I wish he’d join my Cabinet" - Joe Biden), and a man who knows his suits ("I raid his closet all the time" - George Clooney), all while sporting a beard that puts him in the running for The Most Interesting Man in the World. He's also a champion for his little sister, always there for an after-work phone call to vent about the day, share tips for career growth, and showing up when she needs him most. Davis' reaction when asked to be a Hand of the Bride: "As long as I get a pin for my lapel.”

Louis Bates

Bridesband Member

The second of the "Three Ninjas"! From playing laser tag in the back yard to obligatory prom pictures to pre-college soccer training sessions, Hallie's other big brother has always been there for her in all the ways that counted most. They can drink together, they can make fart jokes together, & they can share house buying and pet adoption tips with each other as well. To be the younger sister of two brothers so invested in her success is a huge source of pride to Hallie. (But shh, don't tell them.) Hallie once gifted Louis a shirt with the words "World's Okayest Brother" on it, and she'd like to publicly state that that was a lie. "He is, without a doubt, this galaxy's okayest brother." Louis' reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "Of course!...but I'm not wearing suspenders."

Nick Smith

Bridesband Member

There's nothing more beautiful than a first friend, and even better when it comes in a big brother. If you know Dana & Nick closely, you know they fight, debate, & love all as fiercely. Dana grew up in awe of every cool cat outfit (shout out to South Pole?) and intellectual/musical/athletic achievement that Nick checked off. As adults, the awe continues, but is also paired with unwavering support & an ever-present source of advice. Dana's favorite things she's learned from her brother? What the dark web is. The art of War: Beanie-Baby Style. How to take her portfolio to the moon with cryptocurrency. That sometimes there's nothing wrong with drinking whiskey in the morning. How to be a first and forever friend. Nick's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "0_0 It'd be my honor."

Clara Kienzle

Bridesband Member

Dana & Clara met on the steps of their first-year college dorm while moving in, sizing each other up immediately after noticing they were both there for soccer preseason training. By their last year of college, when they were roommates & the bestest of friends, Dana was still a faster runner (it's undisputed) and they knew their bond would continue well beyond soccer & college. It's hard to choose a single memory to sum up these soul friends' bond; their adventures are so many. First-year, Clara walking into Dana's room & declaring that they were going to be friends? Partying on the beach in Barcelona, walking home as the sun rose? Their New Zealand camper van road trip, being chased out of a bathroom while cooking beans? Clara's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "Dayniii!"

Becca Lowe

Bridesband Member

There's a theme here with first friends and Becca falls in that category. Hallie & Becca met in preschool and remained inseparable all through high school. The joyrides around the backwoods of Frankfort, swapping mix tapes and custom CDs, and dubbing themselves as "The Hometown Explorers" kept their friendship strong through college and beyond. Their friendship runs so deep that Becca still holds the record for longest phone call with Hallie: 8, no, 9 hours and yes, that even exceeds any phone call with Dana. Daycare at 3, learning to drive at 16, high school graduation at 18, and now, The Big Day, all these years later. Bex & Halz would have it no other way! Becca's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "Yeah, duh...I'm going to be the shortest one there, aren't I?" (Yes...sorry)

Gabí Caribé

Bridesband Member

Some sisters meet at birth, some sisters meet later in life. Gabí was the latter. In 2009, she joined the Bates family as an exchange student from Brazil, but left as a fellow member of the family. Hallie & Gabí clicked within the first week, blending every difference and similarity seamlessly. They were supposed to share just a school and home, but their friendship quickly grew as they shared clothes, secrets, giggles, and friends as well. A dynamic duo, from power forwards on the soccer team to homecoming court members to late-night talks about boys, TV shows, music, and their lives before meeting--they formed a bond that has stayed strong from continents away. Eu te amo sempre! Gabí's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "OMG! YES YES YES!!!...The U.S. better let me in."

Paula Nagthall

Bridesband Member

There's no other way to say it. Dana's cousin, Paula, is endlessly cool. Dana recently let Paula in on a secret: she had idolized her since she could walk. Mary-Kate & Ashley, Raven-Symone, who needed them. Dana had Paula, someone who filled the older sister role even when it didn't make sense (they lived in different states, they saw each other maybe once a year). Whatever cool factor Dana saw in Paula as a child carried into adulthood, but in an even more impactful way. Her genuineness, selflessness, kindness, fashion-sense & love for quirky socks precedes her: everyone who knows Paula breaks into a smile at the mention of her name. (I bet you're smiling right now.) Paula's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "We're going to Kentucky, we're going to the fair!" *insert dance*

Radlee Williams

Bridesband Member

At 7 or 8 years old, Dana's earliest memory with her cousin, Radlee, was at one of the many families gatherings of the '90s in NY. She remembers thinking, "Man, if only I could be as cool and confident as Radlee". He had just gotten up from playing video games with the cousins to announce that he was going to take a dump, and that level of confidence seared as an aspirational goal in Dana's mind to this day. A man with a big spirit and infectious presence, Radlee continues to inspire Dana in his commitment to family, passion in being a Girl Dad, and spontaneity for adventure. You can't call up just anyone for an impromptu camping trip, but Radlee would be your guy! Radlee's response to being invited to the Bridesband: *jumps for joy followed by high-five*

Lee Myers-White

Bridesband Member

Godbrother-Role model-Friend. Lee's been in Hallie's life longer than even Hallie has. Best friend to her oldest brother, she grew up with him around the house so much so that she quickly considered him an extra brother. Lee was the first of her brothers' friends to buy Hallie a drink, welcoming her back on her first visit home from college, the way a close friend would offer to get the first round while catching up. A seemingly small gesture from the outside, but one that was incredibly impactful to Hallie because it showed her that he saw her as an equal, not just a younger sibling. This has always been a constant with Lee: intentionally showing her the respect of an equal when it wasn’t required. Lee's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "I would be absolutely delighted!"

Daniel Evans

Bridesband Member

Like Lee, Daniel has also been in Hallie's life longer than Hallie has. Hallie couldn't have won a bigger lottery in extra-siblings, particularly extra-brothers. Dan always made a point to include Hallie in what "the big boys" were doing, from backyard camp-outs to "Bates Motel" house parties. In her vulnerable moments of asking to join the boys' all-night Ping-Pong tournaments (or 3 am Beer + Ping = Paddle-Pong shenanigans), Dan would joyfully welcome Hallie to his team. When work brought him down to Atlanta, Dan would make time to meet Hallie & Dana for dinner or drinks, every time. A significant gesture to Hallie, it showed her that he saw her as his own friend, not just a little sister. Dan's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: "Wow, yes! I've always wanted to be in a band!"

Catherine Bester

Bridesband Member

Hailing from Capestown, South Africa this Bridesband member has the special designation of standing firmly between the two brides. Dana & Hallie met Catherine as an au pair in Atlanta and have found a way to stay in touch as she traveled the world over when her contract ended here in the States. Having spent time at both brides' childhood homes with their families, Catherine is an honorary member of the Bates', the Smiths', and now the Batesmiths'. Few people blend so well with both Dana & Hallie's personalities, but that's because so few people are as easygoing, hilarious & odd. Of note: the wedding was planned around Catherine's schedule, because she is *that* special. Catherine's reaction to being invited to the Bridesband: *squee* "I'm going to tell my students I'm in a band!"

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