April 30, 2022
Maplewood, MN

Jane & Peter

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Ella McKown

Matron of Honor

Sister-in-law turned lifelong friend, Ella and I met long before either of us were thinking about marriage and relationships (but maybe that was just me :) ). Growing up alongside El, I always admired her poise and humor, which is still true today. Nowadays, whether it's outfit advice, sharing new recipes, creating the perfect charcuterie board, or setting up girls weekends, I am endlessly thankful Ella gave both the McKown kids a shot and joined our family!

Brian Horner

Co-Best Man

Brian and I first met freshman year at the University of Northwestern, St. Paul (UNW) when we were in the same hall and business majors! Our friendship grew through the years and we lived together Jr/Sr year and as honorary roommates the first year after UNW! Brian moved away to Chicago but our relationship only got stronger through phone calls and visits. We remained intentional through it all and I had the honor of being his best man in 2020. I truly value his and his wife's friendship.

Krista Erlandson


Through life's ups, downs, and awkward outfits, I had Krista there for it all during our childhood. She's the cousin I always wanted to live closer and somehow have managed to keep up a 1,000+ day Snap Chat streak with. Yeti addict, sunglasses enthusiast, and sunshine seeker, our interests and relationship continues to grow the older we get. Luckily we'll be wearing beautiful dresses instead of sweater vests for these photos!

Jonah Traaseth

Co-Best Man

Jonah is my oldest friend, I remember we met in 7th grade, however it was not without controversy as I didn't "invite" him to my birthday party. In reality, the invitation was implied but never said... but don't worry, he's totally not bitter about it still! From then on we were friends, doing a lot of the same things. Whether that be through church, work, school at UNW, and now church again, Jonah and I have always been consistent. We've gone through so many different seasons of life that it's just so natural to simply just be together. I also had the honor of being his best man and his and his wife's friendship is so important to me and now us.

Elizabeth Magruder


Yay! Another sister-in-law! I was very nervous to meet Liz because I knew her and Peter were very close and I REALLY wanted to impress her... thankfully she is one of the most genuinely kind people I ever met and since meeting have found many things to discuss. From growing up with an older brother, baking, and everything in between, I am thrilled to keep these conversations going for years to come.

Tanner Magruder


I apparently couldn't remember I knew who Tanner was while sitting in the UNW café and he walked by, stopped, waved, and said "Hi Peter". I just looked at him and didn't move a muscle. It wasn't until later that day when Jonah mentioned he was visiting that I put it together. Luckily he gets a hug and not just a frozen stare these days! He and my sister got married on the exact same day in 2018 as Judson and Ella, so ask one and you have them all! He's become such an important part of the family, naturally sliding into our activities and being a great example of a good in-law!

Danica Cox


Long time family friend, and coolest gal I've ever met, Dani is fluent in all things dance and is only a *little* embarrassed when Ella and I bust out our (far worse) dance moves in gas station parking lots. We've spent quality time chatting before and after our trap shooting league, have squealed at many big pull tab wins, and have been to countless dinners at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I can't wait to attend her wedding when she's forty, like our families agreed!

Judson McKown


The new brother-in-law! When we first met (which is where I met all the McKown's) I could tell Judson was welcoming, easy to talk to, and always up for having a good time! Through countless garage parties, get-togethers, and lake days it has continued to be true! I look forward to all that is to come having him as my brother-in-law and know it will be great!

Alex Farrell


After meeting in college Alex and I became fast friends, and occasional family members, when she would come home for Thanksgiving with me. Never one to turn down coffee, church, random adventures, or just chatting, Alex always manages to put a smile on my face and is the first to give me a huge hug (even when I wasn't a hugger in college). Even when we don't talk often, we pick up right where we left off!

Jaylen Heinz


I met Jaylen at UNW and were in several accounting classes together. Shockingly we had more than just accounting in common and found out we share interests in cars, boats, family, and also appreciate a good meme. Whether it's going out somewhere in the Twin Cities, soaking up the sun in AZ, or just being together at his house in Humboldt, IA, I'm always grateful for the conversations and friendship we have and will continue to have!

Hailey Jacobs


Another college friend, Hailey and my relationship really started to take off at one of our favorite spots... the breakfast table! Senior year we started each morning together and never seem to run out of things to talk about. That has only grown more true now and I am constantly in awe of her faith and knowledge. Not to mention she is never without an amazing book recommendation!

Jack Donaldson


Jack and I met at UNW in the accounting department and in our championship intramural football team! We quickly formed a friendship and lived together for a couple of years and have continued to stay connected. Whether it's sports, golf, or various updates in life, he and his wife have become, and will continue to be, valued friends!

Shannon Cui


Shannon, or as I like to call her, Sharon, is one of those girls you meet and just know she's going to be a great friend. She is always smiling and has one of the most loving hearts I know. She's always up for new things and is way more willing to jump into the unknown than me, but that's why everyone needs a friend like her in their lives!

Micah Olson


Micah and I met at the tail end of UNW via Jack and became roommates for not just one place, but for three places together! Through that time we've had countless conversations covering all aspects of life, usually taking place over an Old Fashioned. It will be the end of an era when we are no longer roommates, but will continue to be friends through whatever comes next!

Gretchen Harris


College really brought some wonderful people into my life and Gretchen is no exception. Never one to shy away from her passions and interests, she patiently taught me how to knit and answers all my questions about dentistry and being more eco-friendly.

Matthew Palumbo


Matt and I met Freshman year at UNW when he was also in the same hall as Brian, Jonah, and Aaron (man, what a Hall of Champs!). We have always enjoyed chatting and being together throughout the years and ended going to Europe (Switzerland and Italy) together. Matt and his wife helped me know that Hinge was legitimate and ended up being the friends I used in the proposal plan!

Aaron Rau


Aaron was the randomly assigned roommate with Jonah and I going for our Freshman year and was "fearing for his life when the 'Failmary'" stand was called. Which says a lot about him for sticking with us! Aaron has been a constant and is always available when you need him!

For all the days along the way
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