For those driving to Bloomington today, please give yourself some extra time in case you hit construction or game day traffic!
For those driving to Bloomington today, please give yourself some extra time in case you hit construction or game day traffic!
October 15, 2022
Bloomington, IN

Leigh & Jason

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Leigh Davis and Jason Suggs
Meet our amazing friends who are walking down the aisle with us.

Sarah Clark

Matron of Honor

Leigh's sister (though technically not by blood) - often referred to as the Lorelai to her Rory (from Gilmore Girls) - and longtime friend. Leigh and Sarah first became close when Sarah moved in with the Davis family for a time and the rest, as they say, is history.

Zach Lewis

Best Man

Jason's best friend and the first he made after moving to Indiana at the start of 6th grade. They were in the same homeroom and started hanging out almost immediately. How do you summarize your closest friendship spanning over two decades? "It's alright."

Julia Ritter

Maid of Honor

Met Leigh through Collins LLC and since then they have grown close and bonded over a love of tabletop RPGs, board games, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, museums and more. Sometimes they even accidentally dress the same!

Hannah Crow

Best Lady

Jason's closest friend in Bloomington. Hannah is definitely a human being. They met initially through salsa, but started hanging out because of Pokemon GO, hiking, and rollerskating.

Kaley Deneen


Leigh's friend since they were small children, during which time they used to do things like sit silently on the [landline] phone together while watching Buffy, only talking during commercial breaks. They might not live in the same country, but they always pick up right where they left off when they're able to hang out.

Stephanie Bober


The Joe Sakic to Leigh's Steve Yzerman! What more do we need to say? She's Leigh's ride or die hockey buddy who helped her survive high school and college who says of the photo above: "That pretty much sums me up."

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