May 11, 2024
St. Louis, MO

Steph & Steve

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us.

Caitlin Bruce

Babe of Honor

Stephanie met Caitlin in The Mizzou Theatre Department where they worked side-by-side on sewing machines in the costume shop. They were members of the honor fraternity, were in a show together, and would attend parties at each other's homes. Through all of that, they still never really talked to each other. Then, in 2013, Caitlin moved to New York and became one of Stephanie's roommates. They both realized they were very silly for not starting their friendship sooner. Now, if Stephanie needs advice, she either calls Caitlin or her mom. Caitlin and Stephanie both love planning parties and trips, hosting and cooking for their friends, and a stiff martini (vodka for Cait, gin for Steph). Caitlin is a smart and beautiful babe. We are delighted to have her in the wedding party.

Piers Telford

Best Boy

Steve met Piers in 2012 in Los Angeles and they became instant best friends. They worked together in a dusty warehouse, with computers lining the walls, in the early days of ads on YouTube videos. And together they had two jobs: scour YouTube to find videos to place ads on, and annoy everyone else as much as possible. They were much better at the latter. They share a love of film, music, Bloody Marys, and growing hair (Steve is much worse at this). Piers is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Maddie Korajczyk

Babe of Honor

Stephanie and Maddie met in college when they were both cast in their first show at Mizzou together. The whole cast formed an intense bond, but the relationship that stuck was Maddie and Steph's. After doing two more shows together at Mizzou, Maddie moved to New York and became Steph's roommate for a year. Maddie is the ignitor of so many wonderful things in Steph's life: friendships, giving her the title of aunt to her awesome daughter, Tilly, so many adventures, and even (a little bit) Steve (they reconnected at her wedding's afterparty.) Maddie is now showing Steph all the wonderful things about living in St. Louis. They love trying new restaurants, stopping by a brewery, or cuddling on the couch with the fam. Maddie is a smart and beautiful babe. We are delighted to have her in the wedding party.

Kalem Ashmore

Best Boy

Kalem kept Steve in line during junior high school. After Kalem moved away from Missouri for all of high school, he returned to Missouri and ran into Steve at a gas station. Ever since that fateful day, he's been Steve's ride-or-die. Together they rejoice in philosophical discussions, video games, playing ping pong until they can no longer ping the pong, and coming up with harebrained schemes on ways they can become rich. Kalem is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Shane McDermott

Bride's Babe

Shane and Stephanie grew up five minutes from each other and were roommates for three years at Mizzou. They have spent a lot of their life in tandem: from campaigning for student council, to participating in band competitions, and being each other's senior prom dates. Steph and Shane have had countless adventures together. Shane is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Fraisia Logan

Groom's Gal

Steve met Fraisia in 2007 at Mizzou. They were fast friends who made a pact to live together in Los Angeles one day. Lo and behold, it happened! Just some of the things Steve and Fraisia bond over is good/bad TV, garlic, the two greatest Phils (Collins and Rosenthal), and a compulsion to steal each other's food (OK, maybe only Steve stole her food). Fraisia is a smart and beautiful babe. We are delighted to have her in the wedding party.

Roze Pirvany

Bride's Babe

Stephanie would attend theater parties at Roze's (and Caitlin's) apartment in college, but they didn't become friends until Roze moved to New York in 2015. She and Steph bonded as hiking and beach buddies, and they both love a dance floor. They also love a good happy hour. Roze is also incredibly skilled at convincing Steph to go to the gym and tricking her into thinking that it's fun. Roze is a smart and beautiful babe. We are delighted to have her in the wedding party.

Sheldon Price

Groom's Guy

Steve met Sheldon at Mizzou in 2007 and became fast friends. Along with Fraisia, Sheldon and Steve decided they were going to live in Los Angeles together. It came to fruition! Steve and Sheldon bond over Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, and playing video games to create characters and nothing more (OK, maybe that's mostly Steve). Sheldon is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Merrill Kaye Arens

Bride's Babe

Merrill Kaye is another Mizzou Theatre babe who moved to New York and became Stephanie's roommate in 2013. They bonded quickly over Mizzou football, Fall Out Boy, a love of the lake life, and a hot guy on a nearby roof. Stephanie can always count on Merrill for a great book recommendation, and Merrill can count on Stephanie to say something dumb whenever she shows up as a guest on Merrill and Connor's podcast. Merrill is a smart and beautiful babe. We are delighted to have her in the wedding party.

Peter Korajczyk

Groom's Guy

Steve and Peter met at the afterparty of Peter and Maddie's wedding. This brief interaction was not indicative of their future relationship. Peter and Maddie began taking Steve out on dates for Steph since she was living in New York. The two bonded over playing music, a love of diverse cuisine, and a classic beer and shot combo. Peter is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Deana Juergens

Mother of the Bride

Stephanie is her mother's daughter to a scary degree. Sometimes you can catch them saying something in surround sound. Stephanie loves her mom very much and is very lucky to be like her.

Kim Robertson

Mother of the Groom

Kim is a wonderful mother and has taught her son how to be a good person. Stephanie thinks it worked. Among many other things, Kim passed down her taste in music and movies to her son, as well as her passion for writing. Steve loves his mom very much and is very lucky to be her son.

Bob Juergens

Father of the Bride

Stephanie's Dad taught her a love of music, how to hug, and how to drive (poor guy). Even though she is exactly like her mom, she shares a lot of very special things with her dad, including their noses. She loves him very much.

Steve Robertson

Father of the Groom

Steve Sr. is a wonderful father and has taught his son how to be a good person. Stephanie thinks he did a good job. Among many other things, Steve passed down his love of sports and space to his son, as well as his entire name. Steven loves his dad very much and is very lucky to be his son.

Ryan Juergens

Bubble Boy

Ryan is Stephanie's younger brother. He is in her phone as Dingus. He is a dork who likes to eat pork with a spork. She loves him very much. Ryan is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Liz Jennings

Bubble Babe

In many ways, Steve and Liz are more like siblings than cousins. Both being an 'only child', they were raised together, and Steve performed older brother duties, like not sharing the video game controller and getting unreasonably angry when she would copy his food orders. Liz is a smart and beautiful babe. We are delighted to have her in the wedding party.

Connor Relyea

Bubble Boy

Yet another Mizzou Theatre alum, Stephanie first met Connor when he crashed at her apartment during his spring break. A year or two later they became roommates. Connor holds the title as Stephanie's longest roommate, and was even Steve's roommate for a little bit. Connor and Steph bonded over pop punk, negronis, a love for baking, and surviving the pandemic lockdown together. Connor is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Keaton Kruser

Bubble Boy

Another product of Mizzou Theatre, Stephanie first met Keaton when he too crashed at her apartment for spring break, and later became a roommate. Keaty and Steph bonded over their love of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, being ooky kooky spooky, and baking (his key lime pie is divine). Keaton is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

Mitch Leitschuh


Stephanie and Mitch met in (you guessed it ) The Mizzou Theatre Department. They became fast friends during the summer repertory shows, hanging out in Columbia's dives or in the back of Caitlin's apartment building while Mitch made up songs about Taco Bell and other revered things in the eyes of college students. When Mitch moved to New York and started dating Merrill, he quickly made the transition from fast friend to part of the family. Mitch and Steve missed each other by a year at Mizzou, but shortly became thick as thieves when Steve moved to New York, bonding over home renovations, grunge, and the fine cuisines New York has to offer. Mitch is a smart and handsome boy. We are delighted to have him in the wedding party.

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