
Nicole & Michael

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our bridal party!

Kristen Morrison

Matron of Honor

Kristen and I were lucky enough start at the same time as new grad nurses at Children's of Alabama in the NICU. Little did we know that that would begin the best of friendships and she would become my ride-or-die. Our friendship has survived hundred of nightshifts, lots of emotional moments, and us living on opposite sides of the country for three years. Fun facts: we both started dating the men we would love for the rest of our lives around the same time in 2018. When Kristen got married in 2020, I stood by her side as her maid of honor about 10 minutes after Michael left for his second patrol (submarine deployment.)

Andrew Taylor

Best Man

Enjoy this work photo of my brother, Andrew. He works undercover for the CIA as a food service agent (but I probably shouldn't tell you that.) I've known Andrew for his entire life, so there really isn't a cool story of how we met. I pushed him off a bunk bed once and he fell and broke his arm.

Kallyse Crawford


Kallyse is the woman that everyone wants in her corner. We first met when her and her now husband came to our house in Washington to watch an episode of The Bachelor, and I'm pretty sure she was wearing a matching velvet lounge set. The night before the men went underway, I texted her for the first time and we planned to drink wine together as she told me everything I needed to know about how submarine deployments worked. Covid struck shortly thereafter, so our first wine nights were actually over Zoom, but Kallyse was my go-to for all of life's complaints and joys, and lots of wine nights. Fun fact, Michael and I caught the garter and bouquet at her and Cameron's wedding, and she sent me a matching purple velvet lounge set as soon as I moved back to Auburn.

Ben Ostrower


Ben, Ben, Ben... Ben's my best friend. Ben is the Tom Brady to my Rob Gronkowski. One might even say Ben looks exactly like Tom. Ben once drove me across town to take me to a Waffle House, except he didn't realize that that particular Waffle House had been closed for 15 years. We ended up eating at a gas station. It was the best gas station breakfast of my life.

Ally Kretsinger


Ally and her husband, Joe, instantly became some of our best friends in Washington when they showed up in 2021. Their puppy, Stanley, is also one of our dog Eli's best friends. Countless clever laughs have been shared, lots of puppy play dates, and lots of good Eleven Winery wine has been enjoyed in our friendship, but our biggest win was planning a trip to Cancun with four total couples. Fun fact, she has a sister-in-law who shares her exact same name but has only one leg.

Joe Kretsinger


Joe and I both have a lot in common, which is why we became such fast friends. We both love the Kitsap Peninsula's public transport system, we both enjoy Saturday nights spent at One Ten Martini Lounge in downtown Poulsbo, and we have both enjoyed our time serving on board the USS KENTUCKY. I can always count on Joe to help me cook up a good plan, whether that’s jet skiing under the influence or crashing a local high school football game. I can also count on Joe to help me cook up some good pasta. I make the dough ball and he rolls <3 Without Joe’s friendship my time in Washington, and under the sea, would have been meaningless.

Ella Werthan


I was lucky enough to meet Ella in Washington, and she also shared the submarine spouse life. Her dog, Pepper, and Eli are also the best of friends. Ella is the hype-girl every woman needs. Fun fact, most ladies stay home and mope around in sweatpants during deployment, but Ella actually did the exact opposite. She would pickup Taco Bell and we'd have dog dates. Not only did she raise my morale 1000% but she hates driving (and she works for Lyft,) so you know she'd sacrifice a lot for her best friends.

RJ Glennon


The photo of RJ here is when he used to be a Navy Diver, Just watch the move "The Abyss" if you want to understand more of what that is like. Recently, RJ has become a scholar pursuing an astrophysics degree in the Ivy League. He had hoped to become an Astronaut, but instead now moonlights as a Hot Air Balloon Pilot and tour guide in California.

Kate Gibson


Kate is the most positive, confident, empathetic human I know. She fit into our friend group so easily and constantly brings up thought-provoking topics that make all of us better human beings. She let me complain several times about my commute in Seattle, and she even shared the same commute for a while. Fun fact, she has the best dance moves and is the life of the party.

Josh Lopez


Josh, an Active Duty Marine, teaches and trains the next generation of Artillery operators. We met at Auburn and shared lots of fun trips, including a 50 hour roadtrip for week of snowboarding. He also is a silly goose.

Madison Barr


I met Madison in undergrad at Auburn, and her family instantly welcomed me into it. Madison has a laugh as big as her hair, and her joy fills every room she enters. We've shared beach trips, Phoenix adventures, and she's the person who knows everyone and has all the funny stories to brighten your day. Fun fact, her cats used to sleep cuddled up next to me whenever I spent the night at her house.

Cameron Campbell


Cameron Height: 5'1' Bench: 435

Hayden Shadell


I met Hayden during a summer job at a tanning salon, and who would've expected that our friendship would last 10 years. We've taken spontaneous trips together and gone to some great country music concerts together. My favorite memories with her include some Rodeos and two impromptu spring breaks to Panama City. Fun fact, she has a deep southern accent and some of the best southern cliches. She also knows when to play a perfect song for every occasion.

Robby Kelso


Robby's most interesting characteristic is that he is a direct descendant of the pharaohs of Egypt, and is set to inherit the the Bent Pyramid. The Bent Pyramid of Egypt is 105 meters tall and around 4,600 years old. It’s believed that the Bent Pyramid became unstable during construction. For this reason, the top half of the pyramid was built at a shallower angle. Nonetheless, at 4,600 years old, I’m sure the Bent Pyramid will outlive any of the modern pyramids on the list.

For all the days along the way
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