September 1, 2019
Saratoga Springs, New York

Melissa & Kevin

    Wedding Party
Watercolor FloralWatercolor Floral

Wedding Party

Lindsay Friedmann

Matron of Honor

Lindsay and Melissa first met as advisors at Chi Omega for Tufts University. A national meeting in St. Louis in the summer of 2008 solidified the idea that they would be forever friends (and sisters). Although they attended different universities, their love for Chi Omega and the Red Sox were just a few reasons for their close friendship. Although life brought Lindsay to Florida then New Orleans, they love any chance to catch up. Lindsey lives in New Orleans with her husband Josh, her daughter Caroline, and their 3 dogs. Melissa is so excited to share so many memories in the planning process and cannot wait to have Lindsay standing beside her on her big day!

Jeff Anderson

Best Man

Jeff and Kevin first met in elementary school but it was not until high school until their friendship grew into what it is today. Their shared passion for skiing led them to be teammates on their high school ski team and it is a strong bond they still share today. They spent their college summers painting together. Although Jeff has settled down in Indiana with his wife Ashley and his sons Parker and Keegan, he continues to be a valuable friend that stands the test of time. Kevin couldn't hope for a better friend to stand beside him on his wedding day.

Kate Markopoulos


Kate and Melissa have been friends since running cross country and track together in high school at Saratoga Springs HS in NY. For years they made every effort to stay in touch and connect even when life insisted on keeping them living apart in different states . Kate finally made the big move to live in Boston (with a little... or a lot... of encouragement from Melissa) so they have been able to continue their friendship in the next stage of their lives. Melissa is honored to have Kate, her oldest friend, with her on her wedding day.

Brian McQuaid


Brian has been one of Kevin's longest friends going back to their childhood days in the neighborhood they both grew up. They spent endless hours playing sports, video games and some serious games of manhunt. Their friendship continued through college at which point they lived together for a couple of years. They also shared a passion for traveling leading to trips in Europe and Barbados. Today Brian continues to be one of Kevin's closest friends and he looks forward to having Brian being a part of the special day.

Maggie Snyder


Maggie and Melissa met freshman year in college. In time, they then became sorority sisters in Chi Omega. After college, although grad school brought them to separate big cities (Boston and NYC) they make a point of seeing each other at least a few times a year. As Melissa's zookeeper friend, Maggie always has unique stories about her "friends" at the zoo. Melissa is pumped to have Maggie as a bridesmaid and be one of two sorority sisters in her wedding party!

Pete Mahoney


Pete, like Brian, is also one of Kevin's oldest friends. He is part of the neighborhood crew that is still so close today. He shares a passion for skiing with Kevin and they could be found shredding up Bradford, their local mountain, where they learned to ski together. Years later Pete followed in Kevin's footsteps and attended UMass Amherst where they were able to remain close friends. Today Pete has returned to his hometown where he lives with his wife, son and dog. Kevin is excited for Pete to be a groomsman on his wedding day.

Camille Glotzbecker


Camille is Melissa's sister-in-law and married to her youngest brother John. Camille is the mom of two of Melissa's beautiful nieces (Maddie and Sophia) who will be flowers girls. Melissa and Camille have known each other since John and Camille attend GWU together. They are quick to connect on text or gchat when they have something going on in their lives, and Camille is always an open ear to listen to life's ups and downs. Melissa feels so blessed to have a sister-in-law who has also been a wonderful friend.

John Glotzbecker


John is Melissa's younger brother and married to her sister-in-law Camille. He lives in NY with his amazing wife and two beautiful daughters. Although Kevin has not known John very long they immediately got along, despite John's distaste for all of Kevin's sports teams. However they were easily able to bond over embarrassing childhood stories about Melissa which frequently continue today. Despite some jokes John has a kind heart and is easy to spend time with. Kevin is proud that he will soon be able to call him his brother-in-law.

Karen Jones


Karen is Kevin's sister. Melissa and Kevin had only known each other a few months when Kevin surprised her by throwing her right into the thick of things by surprising her with introductions to two of his best friends, Karen, and her husband Antoine all at once. They were all able to bond on all things related to making fun of Kevin. Since then, they have gotten to know each other by spending time at their family's summer home in RI, watching Pats games, and sharing lots of good beer and wine. Melissa is so excited for Karen to be her sister in law!

Antoine Jones


Antoine is Kevin's brother-in-law and married to his sister Karen. He was a welcome addition to the family when they got married back in 2016. Antoine and Kevin immediately found common interests in sports, cooking, beer, bourbon and the occasional video game. His outgoing personality creates a positive atmosphere that is always felt in his presence. His character and enthusiasm will be invaluable for Kevin throughout the planning process and wedding day. Kevin is honored to have a brother-in-law that is also a good friend.

Brett Glotzbecker


Brett is Melissa's sister-in-law who is married to her older brother Mike. It's hard to believe they have known each other for the better half of 1.5 decades. Brett is the mother two Melissa's twin nieces and flower girls. Brett and Mike (and later Michaela and Tessa) have lived a close drive to Melissa since she moved to Boston in 2005. Melissa feels so blessed to be able to spend time with them (and of course their dog Dolce) as often as they can fit it into their busy schedules. Melissa is honored to have Brett by her side as a sister, friend, and bridesmaid.

Mike Glotzbecker


Mike is Melissa's older brother and married to her other sister-in-law Brett. They have adorable twin daughters that keep certainly keep them on their toes at all times. Mike and his family live relatively close to Boston so spending time getting to know everyone has been so special for Kevin. Mike, being a Duke graduate, had an instant friend in Kevin. They quickly bonded over their respect for the basketball program and shared stories from Mike's days on campus. Kevin already considers Mike a good friend and looks forward to calling him his brother-in-law.

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