July 6, 2018
Hambacher Schloss, Germany

Megan & Karl

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Kathleen Pritchard

Maid of Honor

She had me as a role model her entire life - probably the luckiest bridesmaid of them all

Peter Schuhmacher

Best Man

I have gone “durch dick und dünn" with this kid. No idea is too dumb for us.

Alex Mossing


We bonded over an decryption assignment in Freshman calculus class. The encrypted message was LOVE. Need I say more?? [we failed the assignment ... but that's not the important part, right?]

Caroline Osborne


The reason we're all here! If Caroline hadn't answered her Facebook messages 2.5 years ago, none of us would be heading to Germany in the next few months. So thank you Caroline - I'm not sure I can repay you for this one.

Oana Vlad


She was the girl in the back of the class that had the answer for everrryything. Turns out she really does have the answer to everything - she has gone from classmate, to neighbor, to lifelong friend. Is there anything more to ask for than that??

Ashlee Chunn


Seriously not sure I would have even made it through high school without this one. My ride or die b*tch [her words!]

Kayla Hilton


We met as bridesmaids in a mutual friend's wedding. From the first "pull you sh*t together and get yourself to the rehearsal dinner", I knew we would be friends forever.