December 11, 2021
Cancun, Mexico
#ROYmancingtheSturm & AYLoveyouMORE

Danielle & Andrew (aka Roy)

    What it's all about

Let's Do This Thing! Wedding Time = Party Time

Green palmGreen palm

Andrew Aylmore


Danielle Sturm

#ROYmancingtheSturm & AYLoveyouMORE

December 11, 2021

Cancun, Mexico

COVID-19 Update

Well, This is Unexpected! Lets try this again!

Love is patient and so are we. With heavy hearts, we are writing to let you know that we have made the difficult decision to postpone our wedding currently planned on December 12, 2020. During a time of uncertainty, the safety and wellbeing of our guests is of upmost importance to us. After careful consideration, this choice was made to protect the health of our closest friends and family. We are sorry for the inconvenience this will cause those of you who have booked flights, but we hope you understand our decision was not taken lightly. We hope you can make our new date in Cancun! Our new date is set for Saturday December 11, 2021 Same Time, Same Place, Same People As far as your current rooms go, a new room block has been prepared for the following dates (December 8, 2021 – December 15, 2021). The hotel is honoring all 2020 rates so the rates will remain the same for 2021! Everyone’s deposits that have been made on their current rooms will transfer over to the new dates. This will all be taken care of so there is nothing on your end that you need to do. The same rooms will be booked under the same names as well as the same days you have booked to arrive and leave (i.e. Thursday-Monday). This contract will be set up in the next week or two so please allow time before reaching out to our travel agent for any changes. If you need to make changes (number of days, name changes, etc.), my travel agent will be available to assist you. You can also reach out if you cannot make the new date and they will get you a refund. If you were not booked and would like to book the new date, that is also now an option. We truly cannot wait to celebrate with everyone and do it BIG! We miss you all dearly and look forward to the day where we can all be together again! We greatly appreciate your love and support through this challenging time and hope everyone stays safe. We'll see ya next year with a marg in hand no matter what! All our love, Danielle & Roy


We Are Tying the Knot...in Mexico! Did someone say Tequila?!

Pack your bags! Come join us for a fun filled trip in paradise. Bottomless margaritas, chips and salsa, tacos, sunshine, turquoise waters, a microbrewery, an all inclusive candy store, dolphins, the whole shebang. Travel is a huge part of our lives and we are always living for the next adventure. Cancun, Mexico was our first international trip together and we want you to experience the magic of our love with us! Now we understand what you're thinking - How the heck am I going to get there? Will I have to get a hotel? Or you might not even have a passport... Luckily, we created this website to provide you with all the important details! We will update this frequently as more information becomes available and will be sure to keep you guys updated every step of the way! Because deadlines will be extra important, we would appreciate you keeping a close eye on details as we share them and getting us the information necessary when requested. You can also read more about our love story, get to know our awesome wedding party, and check out our registry information too. So have fun, take a look around and don’t forget to RSVP! We are truly grateful to have such wonderful friends and family. We hope you will join us for this once in a lifetime event. We understand this is a huge commitment and we appreciate the time you are taking to come celebrate with us. For those of you who will be joining us, you'll be in for a treat. Anyone who knows us knows we LOVE to have a good time. Love will be in the air, the drinks will be flowing, and food will be in abundance. We have visited the resort and cannot wait for you to see it! Finally - Thank you for all your ongoing love and support. We can't wait to party with you in Mexico and start our married life with all of you by our sides! Love, The Future Mr. & Mrs. Aylmore Help us capture the love and memories! Tag your photos when you post them with our hashtags #AYLoveyouMORE and #ROYmancingtheSturm LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN!

Boy Meets Girl

September 2014

Our love story began at a music festival outside of Atlanta, Georgia in Chattahoochee Hills called Tomorrowworld in 2014. Danielle was travelling with a group of friends from Austin and Andrew was travelling with his group of friends as well; neither group knew eachother at the time. Danielle and her friends were at the main stage when they turned around and asked the guys standing behind them if they would pick up her sister on their shoulders. It was in that moment, that out of 150,000 attendees, that Danielle and Andrew crossed paths. Both groups hung out for the rest of the weekend - had a blast - and parted ways. It took a few months for Andrew and Danielle to even connect on social media. From there, they remained friends touching base every now and then and talking about attending Tomorrowworld the following year. Fast forward - they attended the festival for another year. They split ways for a second time and remained friends. As their friendship grew, Danielle met up with Andrew in Dallas while he was in town for New Years and then decided to go visit Andrew a few months after that. They had an amazing weekend and it wasn’t until after Danielle left that Andrew began to wonder why he missed Danielle so much. Danielle felt the same. The two became really close and talked everyday. Andrew decided to make a trip down to Austin 3 months later and needless to say, they hit it off all weekend. Andrew left and decided to make Danielle his girlfriend on 05-10-2016 - long distance and all. Everything happens for a reason - We like to believe in a little thing called fate.

They Fall in Love


Danielle and Andrew dated long distance for a year and while it was tough, it was very worth it. They built a strong foundation of trust and friendship and heavily relied on communication and facetime. They made sure to see eachother at least every 3 weeks; switching cities each time. Andrew finally decided to quit his job, leave his home state Ohio, and make the move down to Austin to be with Danielle. Danielle was shocked by his decision on a whim but she will be forever grateful for that sacrifice because now they are getting married! 5 years of memories later and they've traveled to multiple places together including Europe, attended multiple music festivals with the latest one being TomorrowLand, and are currently raising 2 adorable furry children together (Bentley and Nala) in a home in Austin, Texas.

They Decide on Forever


Danielle and Andrew were planning on spending memorial weekend down at the lake with her family. During the week, her father called her and told her to dress up as they were going to a nice dinner upon arrival and family photos were going to be taken. Danielle did not think anything of this but her dad was in on this since January when Andrew asked for permission. When Friday came along, Andrew picked Danielle up with their puppies and jumped on the road. Once they finally made it to Dallas, they dropped off their dogs and changed to get ready for dinner. They still had an hour long drive to get to the lake but when they finally arrived, Danielle’s dad picked them up and they walked down the dock together. Danielle – not paying attention to details and being oblivious – didn’t even realize what was set up at the end of the dock (to be fair – there was a couch mostly blocking the setup). Andrew insisted Danielle take off her bookbag as she was chatting away with her family. Her dad finally stepped in when they realized she wasn’t catching on and insisted they go take a picture at the end of the dock during sunset. When Danielle turned around that’s when she finally realized what was happening. The most perfect proposal happened (minus Danielle getting so excited she snatched the ring before letting Andrew put it on her finger) and Andrew never once seemed nervous – very crisp performance by him. Afterwards, Danielle and Andrew hopped on a yacht and took a boat ride and followed it with eating chicken tenders at a bar at the lake (Danielle’s dad still owes her a nice steak dinner ha!) We are thrilled for our love story to continue to grow forever as we begin our journey as husband and wife. We can’t wait for this exciting new chapter to begin!

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