
Barbara & Curtis

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Cristy Mendez Campos

Maid of Honor

One of my favorite memories with Barbie is growing up and sharing a room, and all that came with that (good and bad). Although we have VERY different definitions of an organized room (lol), I loved all our late night chats in the pitch dark, our many Polly Pocket dates, and the times I would get out of the shower and walk into the room with my hair in front of my face (looking like the girl from the Exorcist) and scare Barbie into thinking I was possessed. It was nice to have a built-in best friend and roommate throughout childhood, and I am so thankful for all the time we spent together in our room.

Cyle Love

Best Man

My dad (Curtis) is my rock. He has been there for me through thick and thin, good and bad. For better or for worse and yes, til death do us part. He taught me to drive for the first time on my golden birthday. He even taught me how to do reverse donuts in his car. A few years later he was scared out of his mind, sitting passenger in my little maroon ford ranger (he bought me as my first car) while drifting in the frozen tundra that is the U.P. He showed me what good work ethic is. I was 13 and building our own home with him, and I haven't stopped building since. One of my favorite memories was when I was competing in a wrestling tournament in school. He had to watch me get caught in a headlock. Thinking the match was over, it was the finals, and I was up against one of the best wrestlers in the state; he put his hands over his face in sadness. He heard the ref slap the mat for the win, then everyone went wild. He looked up, didn't know what happened. I jumped up so excited, we were both jumping... because I managed to flip and pin him after being stuck for almost the entire last 2-minute round. He was so proud of me and explained every emotion he experienced afterward. Seeing him in the stands every game or match meant the world to me. We have laughed together, cried together, and fought together, and all that has made us stronger together (he will never admit I'm stronger than him, though) šŸ’Ŗ. I love you guys, and I am so happy for ya'll.

Veronica Love

Groom Presenter

One of the best things about my dad is that no matter what was going on he was always there for us and he made it known how loved and accepted we all were! When I had a hard time moving to another school he made sure I wasn't alone and never missed any of my basketball games! Oh and don't let him fool you- he is not at all good at basketball as much as he tried. I'm pretty sure I remember him breaking his leg playing basketball with me when I was probably also only 4 ft tall lol. My dad loves being outside so growing up that is where we spent most of our time at. Which I will never forget all the fun times we all had- camping, tubing, jet skiing, swimming, dirt biking he always wanted to be out doing something with his family! But to me my most special memory of him and I was a night before one of my basketball games in High School. He had come home and woke me up to tell me good luck tomorrow. And he just sat in my room with me and we talked for hours! The tiniest moments with him are the ones that mean the most to me! I love you Dad and I am soo happy for you!!!

Sofia Caraza


Where to start? Barb has been with me through thick and thin. She's my oldest and best friend. The main constant I can remember is laughing (and crying) so hard every single time we visit each other that I haven't felt need to go to the gym in years. When we were kids we gave each other nicknames, had the best movie night sleepovers, and while everyone was drooling for the Jonas brothers we decided to go retro and learn NSYNC songs instead. We devoured books, and passed paper notes in class -back when they where a thing-and talked about school and life. Then, adult life began and Barb has always been there for both every milestone and crisis. I will never forget her taking a 12 hour bus ride during a crazy snowstorm after her flight got cancelled just to help me move to my tiny studio and feel welcome in a new city. That was one of the most heartwarming moments I've experienced. It meant a lot and to this day she continues to surprise me with how much she is always there for me despite the distance.

Chase Love


One of my favorite memories with my father is going to the PEIF (gym) and schooling him in some basketball when I was only 4 foot tall. Also I loved watching him build/remodel houses. I would then head to the woods, and build myself a fort and be excited to come back and get my dad to show him the fort I built. Thereā€™s a lot I could say but just naming a few, another time would be in Florida I had a little crush on a waitress at a restaurant so he would bring me to breakfast every morning, the whole week we were in Florida just to see ā€œmy girlā€. Oh, and to top it all off is when I brought him river fishing at Minerā€™s castle where we had to scale down a cliff to get to the fishing spot while holding on to a rope, me and Cyle went first and dad was in the back, he slipped and took out both me and Cyle and slid on his butt all the way to the bottom and made quite the entrance greeting all the other fisherman, that beat us there.

Risa Sonny Schlacks


My favorite memories with Barbie come from back in high school, when weā€™d hang out at her house after school swapping stories over the best Mexican food youā€™ll ever have, made by her mom. We had wild codenames in Spanish for everyone and could literally go for hours with our stories. When the weather was nice, weā€™d walk around her neighborhood doing photoshoots with the camera she got for Christmas sophomore year which was a blast. All those random after school and weekend hangouts seemed so ordinary and routine at the time, but those are the times that we really bonded and became true friends. All these years later, nothing has changed. We can still spend hours talking about everything or doing absolutely nothing and I still feel right at home. I canā€™t wait for more memories to come with Barb and now with Curt too.

Luke Pickard


For a week now, Iā€™ve been drumming up past memories of my brother and I. So, there is the typical brother type stuff like fishing trips to Forest Lake, or hanging with him for the weekend when he was living on campus while attending NMU, one weekend I was there when him and his buddies went sledding (plastic not snowmobiles) on Marquette Mountain Ski Hill "after hours" and taking the ROCKET run (it took 2 hrs to walk up and 30 secs to go down). What Curt does't know is how grateful I am for that special day when we were at the beach in AuTrain playing volleyball, I recall my interest for the most part veered from the game to this gorgeous woman. He eventually figured out where my younger mind had drifted off to. So at some point between matches Curt realized that he reconized her and he figured he would introduce me to her. I can honestly say for a fact, I would not have had the courage nor self confidence to approach her without him forcing me out of comfort zone. So fast forward, that gorgeous woman and I have been married for 22 years now, Lei and I have 5 amazing kiddos and in March we had our first Grand. I couldn't even imagine my life and family being anything other than what it is now, and I have Curt to thank for that. I am sincerely happy for you both and look forward to seeing what new adventures the future has in store for you two, God Bless

Lyndsey Holland


I met Barbie through UCF Waterpolo and we instantly clicked. I canā€™t remember exactly when but my life changed for the better when I met her. Itā€™s hard to pinpoint one favorite memory with Barb because she is such a fun and genuine person to be around, that every memory I have with her is so special and filled with belly laughs and pouring our hearts out to each other. Barbie and I have traveled Florida together for water polo and spa trips, partied the night away at Lib/Pub, gone to Nationals together in Vermont, had countless sleepovers chatting all night long and have always been one phone call away for all of lifeā€™s ups and downs. I am so honored to be able to stand by Barbie on this big life moment and witness her marriage to her best friend.

Bob Huston


Some of the best memories I have with Curt and Barb are going to Curt ā€˜s place and having Barb make some of her delicious home-cooked authentic Mexican dishes for my wife and I to enjoy! Barb is quite the chef, and let me tell you, Curt is one lucky man to be marrying such an amazing and impressive cook! Thank you for all the wonderful memories and laughs! Looking forward to many more. Some of my best memories of Curt and I were when I used to take him with me to explore abandoned buildings in Detroit. When we first met, we were both entering our final year of graduate school. I immediately gravitated toward Curt, probably because he did our entire group project by himself, but also because he was a ā€œyooperā€ and I had to show him the real Detroit lol. So together, we ventured numerous times into Detroitā€™s most dangerous and crime ridden neighborhoods to explore, and photograph abandoned buildings. There were also several times we would set off alarms at the abandoned schools so then we could go sit down somewhere nearby, wait, and watch the police as they would come flying down the street with lights on and sirens blaring! We would watch them check the abandoned schools and get a real laugh, knowing that we were sending police on wild goose chases. I have to give it too curt, though. Heā€™s quite spontaneous and adventurous and always down to have a good time! I love you, brother! Hereā€™s to many more years of brotherhood!

Carolyn LaLonde


My sisterhood with Barbara began when I joined the Florida Hospital Center for Senior Health, where we were both social workers. One cherished memory involves throwing model brains at each other after long, exhausting days at work. Equally memorable were all the snacking moments shared. In particular when Barb missed her entire mouth when eating popcorn and peanuts, leaving dust sprinkled everywhere she sat. Our shared love for snacks, humor, and social work brought us closer, making us a perfect pair of sisters.

Ron Ford


I have fond memories of Curtis and how he has changed since meeting Barbara. Iā€™ve watched them grow from being work buddies, to hang out buddies, to good friends, then to best friends, then to partners, and soon to be life partners before God and man. He has changed from questioning the possibility of a relationship to committing to the most meaningful and fulfilling relationship of his life. He has poured every fiber of his heart, Ā soul, and mind into cherishing Barbara forever. He even loves her when she beats him (often) in board games. May God richly bless your union.

Robbie Mendez Campos

Lasso Godparent

My favorite memory of Barbie and I is when we were at our first house in the United States, and she would teach me choreographed dances, which we would then film and laugh together. It is a Mexican tradition to bestow a lasso on the couple during the wedding ceremony. This symbolizes the unity and eternal bond of the bride and groom through the ceremonial placement of a decorative rope or "lasso" around their shoulders.

Susan Beauchaine

Lasso Godparent

It seems like the older you get the memories change. I cherish the oldest, love the newest, and cannot wait for the future ones. One of my favorite older memories of me and my brother was him teaching me the love of music. He always got the biggest boom box for Christmas (and would rent it out to me) just so I could walk downtown with it. Later, I would always have first dibs on buying any of his stereo equipment when he upgraded! The joker of the family. never a dull moment. We had a family Birthday party for our grandmother (that he always claimed to be her favorite.) He sat beside her the whole Birthday party and every gift she opened he said, that is from me Grandma! After every single gift she opened she would look up at him and say awe thank you Curt The most recent favorite memory with both Curt and Barbara was last summer. They came to the UP and stayed with me for a few days, after living on Thunder lake for many years. I really had never fished it a whole lot. Let alone catch the big one. My brother has a way of making you take time and have a little fun! So off we went in the boat. We lost count of the bass that day. I will probably never have a better fishing day than I did that day! So many great memories, like every time we go to Florida he shows up. We truly believe he secretly lives there I love both of you and cannot wait for all the amazing memories to come

Fernando Mendez Campos

Candle Lighter

My favorite memory of Barbie is playing music together. Barbie is such a talented person and I love spending time jamming with her. Iā€™m excited that Barbieā€™s learning guitar now (in addition to piano and signing) so we can do more songs together!

Amy Mannisto

Candle Lighter

So many memories where to begin. I am blessed to have grown up with 4 siblings. It seems we were always together. Curt being the oldest, we all admired and looked up to him. He has a love for music and loved his boomboxes. This one time, he took us all into his room and played "Shake It Up" by the Cars. He taught us all how to spin and jump every time they said "shake it up". Also, the song we would sing along to with swear words "The Devil Went to Georgia", Curt told us it was okay to say it because it's in a song. I can go on and on. I absolutely love the memories we are making as adults, and the family get togethers, fishing, vacations, or just phone calls for a recipe. I can't think of one of these without thinking of Barb too. She is the perfect little sis. You both complement each other so well it is scary. I love the group comedy that comes out when we are all together. My cheeks and belly hurt from laughing. I love how playful and competitive they both are. Barb will ask me "Who's funnier?", "who's the winner?", and "Who's fish is bigger?". Well, Barb, you will always be the winner, you caught my brother -hook, line, and sinker. Love you both so much.

Lana Kaczmarek

Bouquet Woman

One of my favorite memories was when we went to Hollywood Studios together and we played heads up in line for the slinky ride and everyone was watching us act out the different words and some were cheering for us as we got ones right šŸ˜‚

Barby Campos de Mendez

Mother of the Bride

Mom's favorite memory: "The day you were born" My favorite memory of my mom is hard to narrow, but I have to say every time she would help me with my science projects or things I was interested in crafting etc, she always showed me how to do it and had fun doing it with me. I even remember how she crafted my Halloween outfits every year and threw amazing theme parties for me...my friends would talk about those parties for weeks after! My mom is someone who I can always hug and also always down to play...like I am an older soul than her for sure...she is so playful, and she is where I get my creativity side but also my card and board games enjoyment from. Literally, when we went to see my sister in Atlanta, my brothers, mom, and I went to check out her gym, and she straight up bounced on a giant ball the entire time! There is so much more to say about my mom. To meet her is to know a devoted mother and wife. She is so intelligent, warm, and, down to have fun, but most importantly, laugh. I love making her laugh because she makes me laugh so much too. You are also meeting the first and probably the only person to have beat Fortnite when it first came out just by hiding and folding laundry while watching the game unfold...which still cracks us up. She was the talk of the town in my little brother's circle haha. I love you, mom, thanks for being here by my side (as you always have been) on this special day.

Fernando Mendez Barajas

Father of the Bride

My dad and I are jokesters and have a fun time not taking too many things too seriously. I think the times my dad has been vulnerable and emotional are my favorite memories of him. Times when he has cheered me on in sports or been proud of me for the Order of Pegasus award, and when he comes to me for help on people management and older adult topics. Not only that, but he is also THE BEST HUGGER TOO! His hugs are ones where he does not mind if you do not let go quickly, he adds kisses into it, too. I loved one year, I showed up from out of town to visit, and I coordinated with my mom to surprise him, and when he saw me, he just was so shocked, laughed, and almost cried, hugging me in surprise. That was pretty cool. Also, I find him hilarious (sometimes, haha). He is always poking fun at something or someone and loves music but cannot dance, so I cannot wait to see what moves he busts out for our father-daughter dance. I don't know if my dad knows how much we share genetically, from body type to impatience, coupon finders, and hilariousness. I think we are pretty stubbornly similar. You can find my dad and I listening to music and singing to it together. I am so thankful for him in my life and for making many dreams come true, from trips around the continent to moving to this country for opportunities, good and hard family stuff, and little things like nicknames. I love you papo el Zapato. You will always have a friend in me. I hope to continue making you proud.

For all the days along the way
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