We look forward to seeing you all in Cancún | Nos vemos en Cancún 😎
We look forward to seeing you all in Cancún | Nos vemos en Cancún 😎

Debbie & William

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    Wedding Party | La Corte De Bodas

Wedding Party | La Corte De Bodas

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us. | Conozca a nuestra familia y amigos que caminarán por el pasillo con nosotros.

Jessica Howie

Matron of Honor | Madrina de Honor

Jessica is Debbie's best friend, sister, and unofficial twin. As kids, Jessica was always Debbie's voice and had so much to say, which only means the Matron of Honor speech will be great (no pressure). Today, Debbie and Jessica remain inseparable, dress alike by choice, and maintain regularly scheduled sister-dates. There is no one Debbie looks up to more than her older sister and no one more worthy of holding the title of Matron of Honor.

Carmen Vasquez

Best Woman | Madrina de Boda

Carmen is William’s older sister and he considers her his Irish twin, as she is only 11 months older than him. They have an extremely close bond and have experienced many things together from William’s first house party to graduating from New Jersey City University together. She is an exceptional mother of two and now the matriarch of the family. Carmen has been Will’s support system from day one and in his eyes, there’s no one else that would be able to fulfill the role of Best Woman.

Meredith Palmer

Maid of Honor | Dama de Honor

Debbie met Meredith during her sophomore year at FSU and together, they've been roommates, coworkers, NE Patriots fanatics, softball team members, Luigi & Mario (Halloween 2012), and forever friends. Every Patriots Superbowl win/loss, Sunday Funday, Black Friday, and Waltham winter storm shared would not be the same without a friend like Meredith.



Iliana Panameño

Bridesmaid | Dama

As the third member to the Panameño Primas, Iliana is the type of cousin Debbie has always been able to rely on and trust with just about everything. Don’t let her soft voice fool you, Iliana is a strong woman and often the life of the party —Iliana is sure to turn up the dance floor at the wedding.

Jose Vasquez

Groomsman | Caballero

Jose is William’s younger brother and the final piece of the Vasquez trio. He is another important part of William’s support system. Having him as groomsman is an honor and nostalgic at the same time as it has been many years since they have worn the same outfit (as children their mother would dress them alike). Jose is the epitome of a gentle giant and an exceptional father. ***Ladies he is single!***

Kayla Panameño

Bridesmaid | Dama

Although Debbie might still refer to Kaylita as her 'baby cousin', Kayla is 5'11, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, co-mother to fur-child: Canela, a whole beautiful woman, and by no means a baby. Kayla has been one of Debbie’s biggest cheerleaders throughout all of her professional and life milestones, and she is so lucky to have Kayla on her team. Keep an eye out for the bridesmaid first on the dance floor, that is sure to be Kayla.

Jonathan Howie

Groomsman | Caballero

Jonathan is William’s soon to be in-law and like a brother to Debbie. They both bonded quickly over their love for the Panameño sisters and their idiosyncrasies. Jonathan has become part of William’s extended family in Massachusetts and it is an honor for William to have him as one of his groomsmen.

Meliza Prieto-Gomes

Bridesmaid | Dama

Upon meeting at the age of 9, Meliza has been one of Debbie's best friends that has become more like a sister. From singing together as kids in CLJ coro to the multiple Marc Anthony concerts, the best moments have been spent together. Debbie and Will actually have Meliza to thank for the start of their relationship, as Meliza pressured Debbie into expanding her Hinge radius matches to the South Shore of Massachusetts in hopes that Debbie would meet someone that lives close to Meli, Debbie's first (and final) match thereafter was Will.

Michael Ortiz

Groomsman | Caballero

Michael is William’s nephew and the first grandchild of the family. He brought so much joy into the family as the first and changed the family dynamic. William is touched and honored to have him as a groomsman and is so proud of the young man he is becoming.

Serena Cardoso

Bridesmaid | Dama

With only a couple of days into college, God blessed Debbie with a lifelong friend like Serena. Serena is the social outgoing personality to Debbie's quiet and reserved nature, but that is only evidence that opposites attract even in friendships. Between transferring to different schools, relocations across the country, and being each other's greatest cheerleaders, this friendship has remained strong for the past 15 years.

Omar DeLeon

Groomsman | Caballero

Omar was a coworker that ended up becoming one of William’s closest friends. They both moved to the Boston area from two different states for a job promotion. Both ended up on the same management team and got along well from the start. Together they explored the city, no stone left unturned. William is honored to have Omar as a groomsman.

Myla Howie

Flower Child | Niña de Flores

Myla is the first niece to make Debbie a 'Tia', although she is still working on nailing down the Tia title for Debbie. Myla shows the family everyday what a brilliant and beautiful little lady she is growing into, as well as knowing exactly what she wants. Although Jessica exclusively remains Myla's upmost favorite person, Debbie is patiently waiting to join the favorites list alongside tomatoes and corn.

Michelle Ortiz

Flower Girl | Dama de Flores

Michelle is William’s niece and the youngest girl of the Vasquez clan. Although William does not like to admit it, she’s the favorite. She’s an Uncle’s girl. Michelle is passionate about dancing, making tik-tok videos, make-up, and selfies. She is looking forward to being a flower girl and bringing that sass down the aisle.

Baby Josey

Ring Bearer | Portador de Anillo

He is William’s nephew and the youngest of the Vasquez clan, but not so baby anymore. Baby Josey enjoys eating, playing games on his tablet, and sleeping. He’s a very clever boy and one of Will’s fondest memories is when he had Will write his dad a Father’s Day card that Baby Josey was going to rewrite in his own handwriting, but instead, he ended up signing the one Will wrote and gave it to his dad. He will carry out his role as ring bearer as only Baby Josey would, with spunk and attitude.

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