April 30, 2022
Colorado Springs, CO

We're Tying the Knot!

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Rachael McManus

Matron of Honor

Rachael and Kelsey grew up in the Springs just minutes from each other. Their parents became best friends so it only seemed natural that they do as well. Rachael, a grad from CSU like Kelsey, is a social worker for a middle school in the Denver area. Kelsey, Bill, Ryan (her husband) & her often get dinners, explore Denver and spend quality time together on the weekends. It’s never a dull moment with her!

Kaitlin Sears


Kaitlin and Kelsey met in the Springs & became fast friends just a few years ago. They spend their time going to get coffee, mud runs, local restaurants, celebrating each other’s new business ventures and all-around life happenings. Kaitlin is a real estate agent in Colorado Springs with a husband, Stephen and 2 year old little boy. Kelsey is so excited she will be standing by her side on her wedding day!

Amanda Pierson


Amanda is the closest thing Kelsey has to a sister! When she came into the family in 2011, it wouldn't be until recently that she and Kelsey have become close. She is a fun, creative, cheerleader offering to help when she can, both on the sidelines and being heavily involved in planning. Kelsey is so thankful to have such an amazing sister-in-law to stand by her side.

Emma Grace

Junior Bridesmaid

Emma Grace is Kelsey’s oldest niece & goddaughter. She is a smart, fiery redhead who turns 10 this summer and is the sweetest little girl you’ll meet.

Clementine Genetry

Flower Girl

Clementine is Kelsey’s youngest niece and she is a sassy little girl! She’s obsessed with unicorns, her older sister Emma, and the family’s chickens/ducks & new puppy Archie.

Finnigan Gerard

Ring Bearer

Finnigan is a tough 7 year old boy! He is Kelsey’s only nephew and he loves dinosaurs and hugs and knights and learning! He is very excited to be in the wedding.

Matt Spaur

Best Man

Matt and Bill grew up together in West Virginia and have know each other since childhood and both pursued a chiropractic career. A few years after Bill moved to Colorado, Matt followed suit for a job and has made his home out here with his wife, Lindsay and their 2 year old daughter.

Doug Kloss


Doug has become Bill’s pseudo father/best friend/mentor soon after Bill moved to Colorado. He also has a chiropractic practice and is one of Bill’s closest confidants and is an integral part of both his and Kelsey’s lives. He lives in the Springs with his wife, Angela and their three grown children.

Lance Hitt


After meeting playing football in junior high, Bill and Lance have been friends through life‘s ups and downs. Lance lives in West Virginia with his wife Cassie and their three children. Their friendship is one that stands the test of time.

Eric Mather


Eric & Bill cultivated a friendship through Ryan, Eric’s younger brother, in college. They have many similar personality traits and are both Packer’s fans. They remain close through constant communication and fantasy football. He lives in Michigan with his wife Brooke and their new born daughter.

Ryan Mather


Bill & Ryan met in HS football and he has always been an avenue for Bill to vent his frustrations to. He has taught Bill how to cook (which Kelsey is grateful for). He is constantly pushing people around him to be better and Bill and several other men join him in a weekly bible study which Ryan leads. He lives in Pittsburgh with his wife Natalie and their 5 year old son.

Josh McMurray


Josh & Bill have known each other since forever and never seem to fight. They lived together in college & agree on a lot of life’s issues. He has been a rock and a true confidant to Bill. He lives in West Virginia with his wife Allison and their two daughters.

Sonny Twyman

Father of the Groom

While he may be quiet he is wise beyond his years. Sonny has taught Bill what it means to be a man, husband, and father. He has taken on the nickname Sonny Bunny from Kelsey and is truly a wonderful guy.

Patty Twyman

Mother of the Groom

Patty is an angel in disguise. She has welcomed Kelsey into the family and has raised 3 children plus more adopted friends of theirs. She is a hard worker and amazing chef. Bill gets his talkative nature from her and wouldn’t have it any other way!

Sharon Pierson

Mother of the Bride

Sharon is Kelsey’s best friend and rock. She always knows what to say and is always pushing her children to be better. She enjoys beer, Jesus, and traveling around the world!

Jim Pierson

Father of the Bride

Jim raised Kelsey to be a strong & capable woman. He has learned the ups and downs of having daughter along with earning his gray hairs. Both Bill and him enjoy spending time together talking about spreadsheets, God and beer. He also enjoys traveling with Sharon and babysitting his favorite grand-dog, Layla!

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