We will be continuously updating the Travel tab so our guests are aware of what hotels are still available and which ones are all booked up! Please reach out if you have any questions!
We will be continuously updating the Travel tab so our guests are aware of what hotels are still available and which ones are all booked up! Please reach out if you have any questions!
July 20, 2022
Gold Beach, OR

Zoé & Alexander


Alexander Barcello


Zoé Simpson


July 20, 2022

Gold Beach, OR

How we met and how we started dating

9.16.16 and 10.20.16

We met at our senior year homecoming football game. I had just moved to Arizona from Illinois and really didn't know too many people yet. Alex claims he saw me at the tailgate before the game and wanted to introduce himself but was way too nervous. At the game we coincidentally ended up sitting next to one another, he finally worked up the courage and asked me, "wait are you new here?". We spent the whole game laughing and talking and made plans to save each other a dance the next day at Homecoming. After a month of dates and late night phone conversations I decided it was time for Alex to ask me to officially be his girlfriend. On the 20th of October, after school Alex finally asked me if I would be his girlfriend, to which I responded "no" and turned to walk away. Laughing and smiling I turned around and said "just kidding!!" You should have seen the look on this boys face! Alex and I have been together ever since and we can't wait to share the rest of forever together.

The Proposal


After months of planning for the perfect proposal in the place that we both loved and a phone call from Zoé's sister, I decided to change everything about how I was originally going to ask just weeks before the plan. I decided to ask after I had seen her family at her graduation and could ask her father` for his blessing in person. The venue where I was going to propose called, The Farm, in Arizona, ended up canceling due to COVID-19 and finally rebooked for none other than the 20th of May; which is our anniversary day. I had planned out every little detail, wanting this day to be as perfect and as special as Zoé deserved. From the minute I got on one knee I felt like I was in a movie that I had always dreamt of. I was actually proposing to the love of my life, hoping that her next words would be "yes". Following the proposal, we had the most romantic eight-course dinner, that neither of us could finish, where we laughed and talked about the rest of our lives, getting so excited for what was yet to come. The next morning was incredible, calling our family members to share the best news while we enjoyed each other on the resort we were at. I can't believe that the day we both have been looking forward to for a long time is right around the corner!

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For all the days along the way
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