
Sarah Beth & Matthew

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Katherine Parker

Maid of Honor

Katherine has been Sarah Beth's friend since the very beginning. As Katherine likes to say "I was there when she was born!" (Katherine is six months older than Sarah Beth.) Katherine's father and Sarah Beth's mother prosecuted together. The families became friends and enjoyed attending Central Christian Church, taking vacations and celebrating holidays. Affectionately referred to as "the babies" by their families, Katherine was much like a sister to Sarah Beth. After Sarah Beth graduated from Baylor and Katherine graduated from Arkansas, they got jobs and moved in together in Dallas. At the end of this gap year, Sarah Beth returned to Waco to attend Baylor Law School and Katherine moved to Boulder to attend graduate school at the University of Colorado. Sarah Beth has always been fond of Katherine's adventurous spirit. So much so that when Sarah Beth graduated from law school, she followed Katherine to Colorado to live together again. Katherine works in supply chain management for Yasso in Boulder. Katherine played a key role in Matt and Sarah Beth meeting when she invited Sarah Beth to a Trivia Night where Matt ended up sitting next to Sarah Beth. She also orchestrated the hike up Three Sisters Trail where Matt surprised Sarah Beth at the top of the mountain and proposed. Katherine is not only a best friend, but a life long friend. They have shared most of the milestones of life, so it is only fitting that Katherine will be standing at Sarah Beth's side on her wedding day.

Conor Jonson

Best Man

Conor is Matt’s older brother and they're just 15 months apart. Conor played saxophone all through high school and college where he majored in music education at Central Washington University. Conor and Matt shared this love for music and played in a Ska band together in high school. They also worked together at several different companies over the years. Because they have shared so much growing up, it should come as no surprise that they will now share the year they got married. Conor and Caroline got engaged in December of 2022, two months before Matt and Sarah Beth, and they got married on May 27th, 2023. Conor is a quality assurance engineer in Denver, Colorado but you're more likely to find him rock climbing at the gym or at one of Denver's many outdoor climbing crags. Matt is excited to have his brother by his side on his wedding day.

Kristen Duron

Matron of Honor

Kristen, like Katherine, is a life-long friend of Sarah Beth's. Kristen is Katherine's older sister. She is the same age as Sarah Beth's brother, John. (Kristen is three months younger than John., and they were referred to by the families a "the big kids.") Sarah Beth and Katherine looked up to Kristen as they were growing up. They admired her for being smart, well-read, athletic, fashionable, and wise. They looked to her for advice and modeling when it came to all things "girl". Kristen is a prosecutor in Waco, Texas. She is married to Preston Duron and recently became a mom to sweet Baby Kate. Kristen has been a big sister to Sarah Beth, so it is only fitting that she would be her matron of honor for her wedding.

Jack Roberts


Jack and Matt have been friends since elementary school in Woodinville, Washington. However, their friendship really took off during their college years at Colorado State University where they were roommates. Jack and Matt have many things in common including their love for music, sports and food. They were in a rock band together in college and played many intramural sports together. Snowboarding and climbing trips have been a staple part of their friendship in recent years. They both enjoy cooking and sharing a nice cocktail with friends. Jack is a mechanical engineer working in the mining industry. Jack and his girlfriend Claire live in Denver, Colorado.

Caroline Jonson


Caroline is going to be Sarah Beth's sister-in-law. Caroline recently married Matt's brother, Conor. Sarah Beth and Caroline started dating the Jonson brothers around the same time 2021. The couples have shared many fun times and special memories as their relationships have developed. Caroline has a very sweet and adventurous spirit. She has the greenest thumb this side of the Mississippi. Caroline graduated from CU Boulder with a degree in chemical and biological engineering. Caroline is finishing up her PhD at University of California San Francisco where she is researching Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. She is also working as a data scientist for Data Tecnica International. Caroline lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband Conor. She enjoys going climbing and hanging out with their dog Bailey.

Evan Arnold


Matt and Evan met while attending Colorado State University. They connected over music, sports and travel adventures. Evan plays guitar and was a frequent jam buddy and musical collaborator with Matt and Jack. They've spent many hours playing basketball and snowboarding together over the years. Evan's adventurous spirt has made for many memorable camping and climbing trips. Most notably, Evan, Matt and Conor traveled through the south of France where they rock climbed, camped, and took in the incredible scenery. Evan recently hiked the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada and is currently working for a charter fishing company in Elfin Cove, Alaska.

Ashley Seitz


Sarah Beth met Ashley on the first day of orientation at Baylor Law School. They became instant friends. They had much in common including their athleticism, competitive nature, and interest in environmental law. Sarah Beth was drawn to Ashley's intense kindness toward and compassion for others, and her love of creating memories and having fun. Sarah Beth and Ashley were moot court partners, practice court partners, roommates, and travel buddies as they participated in Baylor Law School's study abroad programs in Zambia and St Andrews, Scotland. Sarah Beth considers it such a blessing to have met Ashley and shared Baylor Law School with her because Ashley is a fierce friend and loves big. Ashley's family has even embraced Sarah Beth and incorporated her into their family. Ashley is a prosecutor in Hays County, Texas. She is married to Fallon Seitz, another Baylor Lawyer who attended law school with Sarah Beth and Ashley. The Seitz' are the proud parents of Skylar Anne.

Matt Laurnen


Matt Laurnen met Matt working at talentReef, a software company in Denver, Colorado. They quickly bonded over skiing. The two of them have shared many epic ski trips together over the years. Matt Laurnen and Matt bond over their love for tasty food, Laurnen knows his way around a grill and cooks a mean brisket. He’s also a great poker player who enjoys getting the boys together for some Texas hold ‘em. Matt Laurnen and Matt have made great memories together boating, crabbing and shrimping out in the San Juan Islands. Matt works as an account manager in tech and lives in Indianapolis with his wife Samantha and their daughter Eleanor.

Lauren Courtney


Lauren Courtney is a friend of Sarah Beth's from high school travel softball. Lauren and Sarah Beth met when they were playing for the Fusion travel team. They spent countless hours together practicing softball, traveling to play softball, waiting to play softball, and playing softball on the weekends and during the summers. Their friendship always made it more fun and memorable. Although they had a long distance friendship, with Lauren living in Abilene, and Sarah Beth living in Waco, they traveled back and forth and were intentional about spending time together throughout the year. They were there for each other through the highs and lows of their softball careers and that carried over into other areas of their lives as well. They also became friends with each other's families. Lauren is involved in the insurance industry. She is married to Michael Courtney and they live in Lindale, Texas. They are the new parents of Hallie Anne.

Derek Andreas


Derek is another member of Matt’s Fort Collins college crew. They met at Colorado State University freshman year through mutual friends. Derek is an outdoor enthusiast. He has hiked most of Colorado’s 14’ers, many of which he climbed with Jack, Conor, and Evan. Derek and Matt have shared many typical Colorado weekends together, often involving skiing, camping, kayaking and hiking. You can always count on Derek for a good laugh - He has a great sense of humor and often has a puzzling, hilarious question up his sleeve for you. Derek is an account manager in the furniture industry and lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with his dog Carl.

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