
Sandra & Frank's Fairytale Wedding

    Our Fairytale Wedding
    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends whom without their blessings of patronage & support, we wouldn't be able to have our magical wedding, Our Madrinas & Padrinos a.k.a. our Fairy Godparents!

Ely H. and Adriana R.

Maids of Honor

Ely and Adriana are Sandra’s God Sisters. They all met helping Papa Bear, Carlos Salce, Jr. with confirmation classes and retreats at St. Madeleine's Catholic Church in Pomona, Ca. 13 years ago. Together they have gone through good and bad times in each other’s lives, have traveled together, and have partied together. The unconditional love and support we have received from these two ladies we will treasure immensely. Thank you for being a part of Our Happily Ever After. ❤️ ❤️

Alana Sanchez Berg

Best Chika

Alana is Frank's Best Friend. They share the same likes for Disney and have attended many comic conventions throughout the years. She has been there for Frank through the best of times and the worst of times. She is truly Frank's Confidant.

Irma and Edgar Velazco

Padrinos de Lazo & Invitations

Irma is Sandra’s maternal cousin. They have grown up together and are very close. They adoringly call each other Cousinsita. There’s never been a single memory of a special occasion without her, her husband Edgar, their daughter Elaine, and their son Edgarsito being a part of it. They are a beautiful family with a heart of gold. We love them to the moon and back and are blessed to have them be a part of Our Happily Ever After. ❤️ ❤️

Gabby and Joel Veloz

Padrinos de Biblia, Rosario, Dress & Veil

Gabby and Joel are Sandra's sister and brother-in-law. Their mom Celia instilled in Gabby and Sandra the love and support for family and each other. They have shared lots of fun and good times. Sandra is also Nina to their daughters Polly and Chelly. We love them to death and are blessed to have Gabby and Joel be part of Our Happily Ever After.

Daniel and Lourdes Rodriguez

Padrinos de Arras

Daniel & Lourdes are Frank's Uncle and Aunt. Uncle Dan is Frank's paternal Uncle and is also his Nino! Both Uncle Dan & Aunt Lourdes have been supportive of our relationship in many ways. We love and appreciate them so much and are so happy to have them be a part of our special day and Happily Ever After. ❤️ ❤️

Frank B. Rodriguez Sr.

Padrino del Pastel

Frank Sr. is my sweetie Frank's Dad who has graciously blessed us with our wedding cake. We are so happy to have him on our special day, love him, and are thankful for his help with such a delicious part of Our Happily Ever After Celebration ♥️.

Tonie H. and Michael S.

Padrinos del DJ y Lights!

Tonie is Sandra's Best Friend since High School! They have shared the majority of their lives of good times and memories together, and many more to come! Tonie holds a very special place in my heart and now in Frank's heart too. Michael is Tonie's fiancé and is a super cool guy! We have shared meals and laughs together and loves our Tonie with all his heart. We are so happy and thankful to have them both be a part of our special day and Our Happily Ever After. ❤️ ❤️

Liz & Tony De La Torre

Padrinos of Our Magical Guest Book

Liz & Tony are friends of Sandra. Liz and Sandra went to High School and Confirmation classes together and grew really close. They both consider each other family, having gone through lots of good times and plenty of shenanigans. We are happy to have Tony & Liz be a part of Our Happily Ever After. ❤️ ❤️

Martha M. Perez

Madrina of Salon & Dress

Martha is Sandra's Sister-In-Law. She is married to Jose Luis, Sandra's big brother. Martha has always been a loving, caring, and supportive sis-in-law to me and Frank. We are thankful and blessed to have her be a part of our special day and can't wait to make more beautiful memories together! ❤️

Hermila Garay

Madrina de Zapatillas, My Glass Slippers

Hermila a.k.a Mila is one of Sandra's best friends. They have known each other for a long time, since before high school! Both their brothers went to Seminary High School so both families got introduced. Sandra & Mila also attended High School and Confirmation Classes together, grew very close, and love each other like sisters. We are happy and excited to have Mila be a special part of Our Happily Ever After. ♥️

Carlos R. Perez

Padrino de $$$

Carlos is Sandra's little brother. Growing up, they had a huge sibling rivalry. Unbeknown to him, but she knew. After all, he did take the title of La Baby de la Familia from her lol. But in all seriousness, she loves her baby brother. We are happy and thankful to make special memories together and to have him be a part of Our Happily Ever After. ❤️

Consuelo I. Veloz

Madrina de $$$

Consuelo, a.k.a. Chelo is Sandra's niece and goddaughter. It has been said that Chelo is Sandra's Mini-Me and that can't be further from the truth. She is kind, understanding, generous, and altogether beautiful. Frank and I can always count on her to watch our lil fur babies and help her Princess Tia Nina Sandie (what? I don't make her call me that) when I wasn't feeling well enough to do things myself. We love and appreciate Chelo to the moon and back. We are so happy to have her be a part of Our Happily Ever After. ❤️

Denise Valenzuela

Madrina of $$$

Denise is Sandra's sister-in-law, Sandra's "Love Dee", her OG Disney Roll Dawg since back in the day. They have gone on many adventures together and have grown close as sisters could be. When She met Frank for the first time and found out he was a big Disney nerd like us, she didn't hesitate to say he was the perfect match for me. Together we have gone on epic Disney adventures and can't wait to go on many more. We love Dee and are happy to have her be a part of our magical Happily Ever After. ❤️

Paola F. Veloz

Madrina de $$$

Paola, a.k.a. Polly, is Sandra's Niece and Goddaughter, and her sister Gabby's 1st born. As a baby and toddler, she always asked to watch the Disney movie, The Lion King. The movie would later inspire her to be passionate about all animals. Polly is thoughtful and kind to everyone and has been supportive of Frank and me. We are so happy and thankful for her being a big part of Our Happily Ever After. ❤️

Elaine Velazco

Princess of the bouquet to The Virgin Mary

Elaine is our niece that we have seen grow up into a beautiful young woman. She is a hard worker and also loves Disney! We can't wait to see her become a cast member in the future. We know it'll happen eventually lol. We are super happy to have her be a part of our special day and Happily Ever After. ❤️

Isabella Jackson

Princess of The Rings

Isabella a.k.a. Izzy is our beautiful niece. We have watched her grow into such a wonderful, kind, thoughtful and smart young lady. Of course, she also loves Disney! We are so happy and thankful to her and her parents in being a part of our special day and Our Happily Ever After. ❤️

Kailynn & Aleanna

Our Flower Girls

Both these lil princesses are our nieces. They are both beautiful, smart, partly shy & outgoing and all together sweethearts. We are so excited to have them be a part of our special day and watch them have fun with their roles! We Love Them Both So Much and thank not only them, but their parents as well for letting them be a part of Our Happily Ever After. 💕 💕

For all the days along the way
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