June 26, 2022
Red Wing, Minnesota

Britta & Peter

    Britta and Peter's Wedding Celebration

We are so excited to finally celebrate with you all!


Peter Augdahl


Britta Augdahl


June 26, 2022

Red Wing, Minnesota

How We Met - Britta's POV

October 2015

At the end of August 2014 - the beginning of our senior year of high school, we both attended a volunteer training for helping with freshman orientation. During this training, we were randomly paired up for a team building game. As we ran around the room, the announcer called out "birdie on a perch!" We collided as he took a knee, and I promptly sat on it. I have no recollection of this happenstance meeting, but Peter won't let me forget about it... We had no contact until October of 2014, when I was busily planning a 18th surprise birthday party at a local haunted house for my bestie, Darcy. I invited Peter to come - I knew he had been helping Darcy out with her Stats class that fall, and was best chums with Sean, another good friend of Darcy's. Peter contacted me about the details of the party, using BOTH smiley emojis and exclamation points - imagine that! I was intrigued. At the haunted house, the four of us created a human chain. Peter generously took the blows - both to the ears and body as I screeched at the top of my lungs, and continuously flung him into the walls out of giddy fear. We exchanged snapchat info, and he listened intently to my spooky stories around the campfire later that night. After several months of texting and snapchatting, he asked me out in February 2015 in my high school dwelling place - the band room. Punch pizza and Into the Woods for our first date was a shoe-in. Among many things, his kind heart, joyful goofiness, love for Jesus, and eagerness to know me deeply won me over. A few dates later, we became official on the luckiest day of the year - Friday the 13th :)

How We Met - Peter's POV

September 2014

It was the beginning of my Senior Year at Chaska High School. I was looking forward to being done with college applications and moving forward with my last year in Chaska. Before the school year started, I participated in a program called Link Crew - basically a student run orientation that was offered/required for incoming Freshmen. It was during our Link Crew introduction activities that I first noticed Britta, It went a little like this: Sean: "Hey, look it's Britta!" Me: "Hey, she's pretty cute!" Chaska High School was a pretty small community, so I of course had seen Britta around. It was this experience that initially piqued my interest in Britta. Most of you know that I'm pretty introverted, so I decided to wait for the opportune time to pursue Britta more. Fortunately for me, there would be an opportunity presented to me in October. Britta was throwing a surprise birthday party for her best friend Darcy and beforehand, she was inviting everyone to come with her and Darce to a scary maze park called Screamtown. I messaged Britta that Sean and I would be there. Turns out, Sean and I would be the only people to show up to Screamtown with Britta and Darcy. It was a terrifying and awesome night. We formed human chains to get through the haunted mazes; I was forced to take up the rear for most of the time and Britta would toss me into the walls when she got too spooked. But the best times of the night were when we weren't being scared. I loved getting to know Britta more, learning about her interests (band mostly) and began to understand just how friendly and warm she was. It was from this awesome night that I knew Britta was someone I wanted to get to know more. I didn't know how impactful that night would be be then, but I knew that I had never been happier to be scared in my life.

The Proposal - Britta's POV

July 27th, 2018

On a long-awaited joint Weber-Augdahl vacation to Norway the summer of 2018, Peter popped the question! I knew a proposal was bound to happen on this trip (I had groveled for details for close to a year now) but he was still as sneaky as ever. I was definitely was not expecting him to propose until at least a few days into the trip, but he had different plans! After only one full day in Norway, Peter and I broke off from the group to take a brisk evening hike to the top of the Kolsås mountaintop I had climbed a few summers ago. I had dreamed of showing him this spot. As I later found out, Peter inconspicuously carried the ring around the entire day of sightseeing around Oslo, just waiting for the right moment. After huffing and puffing our way to the mountain-top with tomato-red faces, he decided that it was time. Surrounded by a spectacular view and the gorgeous pink and purple hue of the sunset, he asked me to marry him! The "yes!" took a while to leave my mouth - it was the most surreal moment of my life, and I was so surprised by the timing! We then descended the mountain in a hazy state of elation, and were soon confronted with the reality that it was pitch black, and we were lost in a Norwegian forest. When we finally made it back to our hotel, our parents were there to greet us with joy and hugs, and the next day, so was the bus packed with the wonderful forty something 60+'ers from my mom's church joining us on the tour. These were the days we will NEVER forget!

The Proposal - Peter's POV

July 27th, 2018

In the summer of 2018, Britta and I and both of our families went on a wonderful tour of the beautiful country of Norway. It was the trip of a lifetime; Britta had been wanting to show me the Norwegian countryside for years already and finally we had our chance! I knew that this trip would be a perfect setting for a proposal (Britta had dropped about a dozen hints) and I thought so too! So, I bought the ring, hopped on the plane and prepared for the most important question I would ever ask. What I didn’t realize when I had planned this proposal was the amount of stress carrying an engagement ring around in a foreign country would have on me. This occurred to me the first full day of our trip, as I had decided that I would haul the ring around in an Under Armour string bag while on the tour and wait for the perfect opportunity to propose. I even left my bag with the ring in it once on the side of a lake so that Noah and I could swim out to an island in the middle. By dinnertime, I knew that I needed to adjust my plan or pop the question soon. I asked Britta if she wanted to go for a hike that night. We decided to climb a mountain that Britta had been to on a previous trip to Oslo. As we took the trail higher that night, I was glad that we were both out of breath; I didn’t know if I’d be able to keep cool if we talked. At the top of the mountain, we watched the sun set on a perfect first day in the most beautiful country I had ever been. I knew that this was the moment we had both been waiting for; I asked Britta to marry me and she responded with shock, then incredulity, and finally with “yes, of course!” It was all I could every ask for. We then proceeded to get lost on our way down the mountain, but that’s a story for another time…

Our Tiny Covid Wedding & Plan-B Honeymoon

May 30th, 2020

After a whirlwind of a spring back in 2020, we made the difficult decision to call off all of our big plans for a day of celebration with friends and family. However, we decided that we didn't want to wait any longer to get married (and thank goodness we didn't because of how the pandemic progressed and lingered), so we had a very tiny and intimate ceremony surrounded by our immediate family on our original wedding date. It was nothing like we had planned, but still everything we could have wanted for that moment after dealing with the loss of the day we had dreamt of for so long. We then canceled our travel plans to Canada for our honeymoon due to border closures and continued spread of the virus, and headed up to the North Shore for a week instead. Plan B ended up being a total blast, but we are looking so forward to finally exploring Banff and Jasper sometime in the coming year! We feel so blessed for the support and love (and patience) from all of you, our dear friends and family, to go ahead with this decision to postpone the party until we can all dance the night away under safer circumstances. We are bubbling over with excitement to finally celebrate our marriage with you all this coming June!!!

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