
Lauren & William

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who will be walking down the aisle with us.

Jordan Gorski

Matron of Honor

Jordan and I have been best friends since freshman year of high school. She is my closest and longest friend who has been present for so many seasons of life! She is passionate, always one to go on an adventure, and can light up the whole room.

Robert Saieg

Best Man

I became close friends with Robert during our time together at the ICC in undergrad. Robert is a passionate, creative, and caring person who always wants to help others be their best.

Nicole Orcino

Maid of Honor

Nicole was on my hall freshman year at LU and we have been best friends ever since. She is forever my favorite study buddy, she makes me laugh like no other, is one of the smartest girls I know, and loves so deeply.

Connor Haskins


Connor is my older brother and was a pillar of my life growing up. He is incredibly driven, with a passion for achieving, learning, and growing.

Elisa Nguyen


Elisa is my sister-in-law turned best friend. She has been such a huge part of my support system ever since she started dating Nathan and has loved my family so well. I love her so dearly and am so honored to have her stand by my side!

Nathan Nguyen


Nathan is Lauren’s older brother and a good friend. He’s also the most competitive in any kind of game you place him in, whether it’s cards, tetherball, pickle ball, or anything on Nintendo switch. Man just wants to win.

Michaela Hodder


I met Michaela at LU when she started dating one of my best friends, Nate, and she quickly became one of my best friends, too! She has the sweetest soul, loves so fiercely, and is my greatest hype woman!!

Wesley McCrorey


Wes is one of Lauren's best friends from LU. He has been a source of encouragement, raging fun, and cringey memes. Shameless plug to Lauren's personal trainer @flexovenfitness

Marina Muench


Marina and I went to high school youth group together when I lived in CT. Friendship with Marina meant many impromptu sleepovers and even more late-night conversations. She loves the Lord and people with such a passion, and I'm so honored to have her by my side.

Nate Hodder


Nate is another one of Lauren's best friends from LU. He is wildly intelligent, is always down to have conversations (both hard and fun), is one of Lauren's biggest supporters, and will ALWAYS have some catch phrase or joke that sticks with him for a few weeks.