May 22, 2021

Minh & Lexxi

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the Bridal Party

Michael Harrison

Best Man

Michael and I met in 2006 when our parents wanted us to carpool to help them save a trip when picking us up from band practice. We played percussion together for 8 yrs and spent countless of hours complaining about life in the blistering Texas heat during marching band. My fondest memory with Michael was meeting every Wednesday for lunch in college to start researching which sports teams we were gonna take that week. We invested 20 dollars and our plan was to double down every time we won until we hit $1000 or walk away if we lost. It was a legendary run to $1600, then we walked away while we were ahead. I'm eternally grateful for our friendship throughout the years and Michael has been in my top 2 since 2006. P.S. he's never been 2.

Rukan Huq

Maid of Honor

Rukan and I went to elementary, middle, and high school but I didn't actually really talk to her until high school. We found out that our little brothers were besties but that didn't stop us from hating each other because of who our friends were at the time. Eventually, we got to actually talk to each other and realized that we were basically the same person. It's a wonder how we ever got any sleep in college considering we stayed up every night until like 3 am either "studying" (gossiping) or making late night runs to Austin's Pizza. Our goals in life are to own houses that are connected to each other so we can see each other everyday.

Brian Nguyen


Brian and I first met in Tae Kwon Do when I was in 7th grade. We stayed close as friends throughout high school and college. One of my favorite trips with Brian was an impromptu trip to Destin in college. Brian understands my addiction to arcades and winning tickets requires a well thought out strategy. We will sit and scheme the best payouts and which games to play. Expect us to find any edge to win more tickets. What I admire about Brian the most is that he will always go out of his way to help me out if he can. Brian also knows how to get the party started so expect him to bust out moves on the dance floor all night long!

June Wright


June and I met in dental school when Minh and I spontaneously decided to go on a skiing trip with other classmates that we didn't even know very well. June quickly showed that she was the logical one of our group and became our decision maker #EmilyMakesDecisions

Paulo Oliveira


Spending countless of hours training at Texas A&M, Paulo and I inevitably became close friends on the judo team. We had the luxury of traveling to New York City, Chicago, Miami as well as several other cities while training and competing. My fondest memory with Paulo was when we were in Ft, Lauderdale training two a days, and we didn't have enough uniforms to last the trip. We also didn't have a washer or dryer so we hung our uniforms in the hotel rooms to dry off the sweat. The next day the room smelled like we were breeding a new strain of tuberculosis. You'll often hear Paulo call me "kohai" since I was his "junior" on the Judo team.

Tiffany Zhou


Tiffany and I met in dental school as she was also a part of the skiing trip group. She scared me at first because she is always really good at everything the first time she tries it but she was also really funny and relatable. Expect her to spill something on her dress by the end of the night.

Vinh-Son Nguyen


I met Mr. All Black Monochrome in my first year of dental school. Vinhson pretends like he's not boujee but he is the most boujee of our friend group. I'm talking everything OEM, everything blacked out, and everything high end. He's also a tech guru with a strong youtube following: creativedojo, smash that like and bell button if you haven't already. A man of refined taste, expect him be sipping a glass of fine whiskey throughout the night.

Doralyn Havien


Doralyn and I met at our Houston dental school interview. We sat next to each other and talked to each other throughout the day. Afterwards, a mutual friend asked her about me and she said "Lexxi who??". We'll chalk it up to nerves. Doralyn is the stylish one of our group and always knows the best local places eat and hang out.

Tien Nguyen


The Korean carbon copy of me, there's no way he can be mistaken as anyone else except for my brother. Tien's and I interests seem to align more often than not, so it's easy for us to spend time. The latest being keyboard building, however he's 10x more knowledgeable than me in that topic. Like all siblings we fight and complain about each other, but at the end of the day we'll always support each other. It's hard to imagine if Lexxi and I would be friends if our brothers weren't friends first!

Avelyn Pham


Avelyn was always the shy cousin when she was young but eventually became the one that was always down for anything. She's super easy to talk and everyone always says we look alike. She's the sister I never had.

Spencer Pham


Known for his high pitch cackling and off the wall one liners, Spencer has a phrase for every situation. After I met Lexxi, we realized our younger brothers were friends so I've been hanging around Spencer for about as long as I've hung around Lexxi. He's basically my goofy 2nd younger brother at this point. Expect him to be grinning all night until you can't see his eyes.

Melissa Sybico


Lisa is the crazy one that invited Minh and I on the skiing trip the very first conversation she and I ever had. Lisa is endlessly generous and always finds the best deals.

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