September 24, 2022
Detroit, MI

Timythi & Kyle

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Gabriellajean Hester

Maid of Honor

This girl right here, Gabriellajean Hester, I prayed to God for a little sister on my knees every single night, and God answered my prayers. The sisterly bond we share is unmatched, I am more than grateful to God the relationship we share. She has my whole heart! She is my heartbeat, my best friend, my everything. I could go on for days about her. I can literally talk to her about anything and when she gives advice she doesn’t sugar coat a thing, she gives it to you how it is with one eyebrow up and one down lol, and I appreciate that. One of my many greatest memories of her is when she was a baby, somewhere around 8 or 9 months old, and she wouldn’t drink her milk out of a bottle so I got a medicine dropper and fed it to her that way. I was so excited I told my mom “she’s drinking it, she’s drinking it” and I was so happy because I felt like “yeah I did that.” I had the big head lol but anyway, this is my girl, my sister my everything. She knows it, and I love her with my whole heart! My baby forever!

Malaika Ball

Matron of Honor

Malaika is another one of my many cousins whom I love dearly. She's so sweet, so genuine, and so caring. Every time I look up she is out of town. She loves to travel, and I love that about her. She will hop on a plane in a minute. Lol! Furthermore, she has the most beautiful heart. She has been very instrumental in my whole wedding planning process from helping me find flowers for my bouquet, to assisting with venues, and to passing on information about the marriage licensing process. The thing that I loved most about her helping me with this process is that I didn't really have to ask for much, she was just so willing to give me information. I love her and greatly appreciate the help that she has given me. I also love that Malaikia is always down to have a good time! I'm so excited to share this moment with my cousin. I love her and thank her for all of her help!

Dennetta Harris


Yoooooo! Dennetta! My cousin! My cousin! Whew I love this girl! This another one right here y'all that I love so much. We grew up in diapers together. She's almost my birthday twin, lol and she was almost a Leo like me lol! But this girl right here is one I can call or text no matter the time of the day. I can talk to her, and cry with her and to her. She gives wonderful advice, she's so thoughtful, and so caring. But the two most important qualities that I love about her is that she understands me, and she is an excellent listener. It's nothing better than someone understanding you and your perspective and being on that same page with you almost all of the time. I can call her when I'm having a bad day and she's all ears and she knows I’m all ears for her. The bond we share is very special. We are so close, and I thank God for placing a person like her in my life.

Kelley Hester


Whew chile! I started laughing as soon as I started writing this! This is my other cousin, Kelley Hester . This is my laughing buddy right here! You won't find a laughing buddy like this! The laugh is always better when you're not supposed to be laughing lol. We have had tons of moments especially in high school, and even now where we laugh and we probably shouldn't. Kelley, Dennetta and myself grew up in diapers together. We've had many, sleepovers at our Nana and Paw-paw's house and each others houses as well. Kelley and I share so many memories together growing up as babies, children, teenagers, young adults, now grown adults lol. Both Kelley played softball together in high school, we rode to school together, got picked up together, and took drivers training together. The bond that Kelley, Dennetta, and myself share is a very special bond. It's a God given bond. A bond that I will forever be grateful for!

Shante Wilkerson


My best friend! My CMA high school classmate, my softball buddy. This girl ain’t afraid to travel! Every time I look up Shante is in a different state or out of the country, and I love that! She's always been a traveler. We met in high school in the 10th grade, and she has been a wonderful friend ever since. She makes you think and if you need advice or ask her opinion she will tell you the truth, and I appreciate that. It’s great to have a friend you can just talk to and share your life with and your ups and downs. I appreciate our talks and laughs. Our conversations are so wholesome and I love that! It's always great to have someone by your side who understands you and shares the same thoughts as you.

Jasmine Sharp


Jasmine! My best friend. One of my CMA high school friends. My softbalI buddy. My eating partner, my always wanna catch some Z's on a trip partner. Lol! If you know Jazz, you know she's always down for a nap, like myself. But she's also always down to have a good time. She's so much fun and she loves to laugh. She is also extremely family oriented and that is one of the things that I admire about her. She is a family first type of girl. Last but not least, if you don't know anything about Jazz, I want you to know that she is a very wise woman. She is sharp, clever and witty, and she gives wonderful advice. If you have any problems or you're feeling down she will give you an honest and raw answer, but you will always leave the conversation feeling uplifted. She is not a person of tearing people down. Her loyalty is what I love; it's hard to find friends like that.

Nigel Tutt

Best Man

We’ve been holding it down since 2016. What started as me avoiding this obnoxious class clown on the first day of college, turned into a lifelong bond and brotherhood. We went from leading roles at a PWI to sacrificing everything to follow our dreams, sleeping just 2 feet away from each other in a cramped LA studio. We’ve seen each other in some of the most vulnerable moments in our lives. And we’ve even seen each other’s walk with God become more and more narrow. God put us together; a little too close together in that apartment. But, I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant not having you as my best man.

Dean Thompson


I remember when I found out your mom was pregnant with you. I thought, “I hope it’s a boy because I need some help! It’s too many women in this family!” I remember being scared to hold you because I feel like I’m too clumsy to hold babies. Since then I’ve grown to cherish intimate moments with the ones I love. When presented with the opportunity to teach you how to ride a bike, I couldn’t let that chance pass me by. In that experience, I learned first hand how intelligent and independent you are. I for sure left the women in our family in good hands.

Paul Gilbert


Bro, you adopted me into your life when I was a teenager and you’ve never regretted it. We didn’t spend a ton of time together growing up, but somehow you stayed completely committed to being in my life and contributing in the most subtle ways. You probably don’t remember this, but my mom and I pulled up to a house for a play rehearsal. You came out to the car and saw me with earbuds in. You called me out immediately and said it was rude to listen to personal music in the car while my mom was driving. To this day, I find it disrespectful to be on your phone while someone else is in the car. Thanks for showing me what respect looks like from a big brother’s perspective.

Jason Twymon


I tried to beat you up for fun when I was kid. Thanks for not murdering me. Even though I’m taller, you’re still my big brother and I look up to you. There are very few people that I’ve gotten consistent life lessons from that’s actually sound advice. You are easily top tier in that bracket. From singing, to being a father, to hooping, to walking with Christ, to relationship advice, to encouraging me to go out on a date with the one I’m marrying. You are irreplaceable. Thank you for setting the standard for what a true man of God looks like.

Darrell Thirkield


One of the longest friends I have to this day. From burying a piece of paint from a worn down playground slide at Vandenberg, to asking you to look over contracts for me while you’re in law school. I just told Timythi yesterday (05/16/22) about our trip to Cedar Point and how I chickened out to get on the Magnum roller coaster a second time with you because I was terrified. And when we came back the next day, I decided to go to the water park while you went back to the Magnum because I didn’t want you to think I was scary. You were so hype and excited about it; fearless! And you still are. I admire that about you. Thanks for consistently showing me what it’s like to be courageous, even when things look scary.

Blake Calloway


I’ve been knowing you almost my whole life. You have taught me a lot, with true friendship being one of the most important lessons. If anyone can make me laugh at the drop of a dime, it’s Blake Calloway. I have countless inside jokes with you; some we’ve created 10 years ago and still cry laughing about to this day. I’ve watched you grow up, been with you through rough experiences, and I’m proud to see the man you’ve become. P.S. Thanks for being a Tenor because them altos are not. But if them squirrels on chains give them a record deal…. They still ain’t.

Princeton Harris

Ring Bearer

Princeton my beautiful loving god son who is full of energy. He's literally like the energizer bunny. He doesn't stop. He has energy for days. I could go on about him, but one thing that I love dearly about him is that he is so affectionate. He is not afraid to hug you, kiss you on the cheek, and say I love you! He's the sweetest little boy, and he has no idea how much his Mimi loves him.

Aubrey Germany

Flower Girl

Aubreyyy my other little cousin! Aubrey is the most intelligent well spoken little girl that I know. She's so smart and not afraid to ask questions. She's a bright little girl with a bright future. Her big cousin (me) is excited to see where she goes in life. I know that she is going places and is going to accomplish big goals.

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