August 26, 2023
Sun Valley, ID

Madelyn & Peter



Peter Montgomery


Madelyn Metcalf

August 26, 2023

Sun Valley, ID

How We Met

Maddie and Peter had plenty of mutual friends but the two never actually met until that fateful UW tailgate in September 2015. One of Maddie's close friends, Caitlin, was dating one of Peter's close friends, Jeff. Maddie decided that Saturday she would attend the UW football game with Caitlin and that's where she was introduced to Peter. The two quickly hit it off and those Saturday tailgates during the fall turned into date nights. Two years later Maddie and Peter would add a fur child, Luna, to their love story and the following year they moved in together in Eastlake. The Montgomery brothers are notorious for long courtships but Peter always knew Maddie was the one. So, after 6 years, a dog, an apartment, and a newly purchased home together, Peter and Maddie flew down to Napa where they would get engaged. We are thrilled to make this official on August 26th and can't wait to celebrate with all of you.

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