May 14, 2022
walloon lake, michigan

Kristi & Thomas

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family + friends who will be standing by our sides.

Lissa VanderJagt

Best Lady

My Brazilian sister & God Baby Mama. She's fiercely competitive and a master of improv. We've shared many things over the last decade - but our deep heart to hearts & shared love for terrible reality TV will always be my favorite.

Matt Allott

Best Man

Full contact mini sticks in the basement, questionable golf ball shots to the chest and injuries from a ceiling fan?? Needless to say life has always been eventful with you by my side...and speaking of, I couldn't ask for a better person to stand next to me on the big day!

Erin Aardema

Best Lady

Adventure Gals! My fellow travel partner, shoe addict, biking buddy & cocktail coinsurer - we became soul sisters exploring the magnificent Copper Country! The chunder to my muffin <3

Chris Irish

Best Man

A best friend since middle school and my go to guru for random stuff to spend money on. A mountain bike and whiskey connoisseur and the reason for so many childhood memories. #UMCWT

Alexandria Moran

Best Lady

From stalker classmate, to group project buddy, to best pal. My college experience and early twenties would have been a lot duller without you by my side. Trust me when I say, we have stories for DAYS. #KrexMormans

Jared Soncrant


Better known as Rodney, Rod or HotRod. Best friends since middle school and the reason I got to ride the elevator. Fun fact, he and I used to skip school and grab beers and a rib sandwich to go fishing...don't tell my mum. #UMCWT

Conor Burrows


A fellow Brit, a friend and my chosen family. He's been by my side since moving to the USA. You're a great guy except for the fact you're a Newcastle fan...

Kevin Pinkos


Buds from academy soccer all the way through college soccer our memories span on and off the field. Pinks has always been in it for the long haul and down to try anything twice!!

Chris Putrycus


Your taste in 90s music is impeccable, as is your timing when landing the perfect joke. Our car ride conversations are some of my favorites....unfortunately, though, you always wear the wrong shade of blue when it comes to game time...

Jeremy Stoychoff


College soccer buddy and catalyst to the most fun and crazy nights had in Detroit. You are the greatest peer pressure artist on the eastside and the best center back partner a guy could ask for.

Gerald Allott

Dog of Honor

Jerry better known as Gerald. To know him is to love him. He is our biggest fan and we are his <3

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