Hi everyone! We are getting closer to the date and couldn't be more excited.
Hi everyone! We are getting closer to the date and couldn't be more excited.

Kent & Rachel

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Rachel Shuman


Kent Buxton

April 20, 2024

St. Louis, MO

How We Met

Our story began in a way neither of us could have predicted, under the bright lights and bustling energy of Las Vegas. It was at a trivia competition where fate decided to play its hand, intertwining our paths. At first, we were just two individuals sharing a table, armed with nothing but our wits and a shared determination to win. Little did we know, that night would mark the beginning of something much more significant than a mere trivia victory. In the weeks and months that followed, Kent and I transitioned from trivia acquaintances to friends. We found joy in the simplicity of our conversations, and comfort in the laughter that seemed to fill the spaces between us. Yet, as 2020 dawned, a realization began to take root in my heart. It was more than friendship that I felt for Kent; I was in love with him. This revelation brought with it a sense of urgency, a need to bridge the gap between mere friendship and something deeper, something lasting. The decision to make our relationship work, despite the challenges that lay ahead, was not one we took lightly. Distance became our reality for a time, a test of patience and perseverance. Phone calls, video chats, and countless messages became our lifelines, each one strengthening the bond between us. The miles that separated us were daunting, yet they taught us the true meaning of commitment and the value of fighting for what matters most. Eventually, we reached a turning point. The realization that to truly start our lives together, proximity was key, led us to make the significant decision to move closer to one another. It was a leap of faith, driven by love and the shared dream of building a future together. This move was more than just a change of address; it was a declaration of our commitment, a step towards the life we both envisioned. Looking back, it's hard to believe that our journey began at a trivia competition in Las Vegas. What started as a chance encounter has blossomed into a love story, one that continues to unfold with each passing day. Kent and I have embraced the challenges and celebrated the victories, all the while knowing that we are exactly where we are meant to beā€”side by side, ready to face whatever the future holds, together.

For all the days along the way
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