
James & Julia Rae

    Wedding Party

We’re getting married!


James Sonday


Julia Rae Towey


May 17, 2024

Allentown, NJ

How We Met

We’ve known each other our whole lives…

Not too many years ago, James and Julia's moms were college roommates. After graduating, getting married, and having kids, the roomies continued getting together, bringing their kids along too. Over the years, baby James, baby Julia, and all the other roommates’ babies have played wiffle ball, dug holes on the beach, competed in video games, and even went to a birthday party petting zoo together! The moms always had a running joke…wondering if any of their children would match up someday in the future? Julia and James were a potential couple (Tyler Dearden was in the running too. Sorry, Tyler) and occasionally, the moms would meddle in their affairs and attempt to play matchmaker. Years went by and one day, in the summer of 2021, Julia went to Bar A in Belmar with her cousins and sister. Again, the moms meddled. Julia’s mom texted James’ mom: “Julia is going to Bar A! Is James going?” James’ mom quickly shot off a text to her son, letting him know Julia would be there, and asked if he would go to Bar A as well. His answer? It will live on in family history: “Does a bear shit in the woods?” At the bar, they texted one another and walked around… trying to find the “child” they hadn’t seen in years. Who they finally found? A person whom both describe made them feel “starstruck.” James and Julia never left each other’s sides that night…or any night since.

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