March 19, 2022
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Janie & Barrett


Green palmGreen palm

Barrett Findley


Jane Smith


March 19, 2022

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

How We Met


We met on Facebook around March of 2012. He was attending school at SFA and I was going to school in Houston. Summer was coming up and we both chose to take a required course during the summer at Lone Star. It was in those few weeks I knew I needed to be with him forever. He must have felt it too because he quickly moved back to Houston and it was history after that!

The Proposal


THE BEST KEPT SECRET EVER! I was told we were going to my best friend's house for a Holiday Dinner so when we had to stop at Kroger for a few things, I didn't think much of it. Until the random item request started coming in... pasta sauce, chips, more wine. I started to get suspicious. Then mastermind Barrett decided to play off being "lost" in the neighborhood and I got even more curious so I asked. He laughed and said no and I felt bad because I had got my hopes up in those few minutes. Then we finally arrived and before I knew it I was being led to the back yard where I saw bright huge lights reading "Marry Me". I. Was. Shocked. It was a "YES, and about damn time" for me. #FinallyFindley

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