October 6, 2018
Norfolk, VA

Jackie & John


Rope Decoration

John Sison


Jackie Cahill


October 6, 2018

Norfolk, VA

Mechanical Bulls & Soggy Dollar Bills

A Love Story

Who knew that getting thrown off a mechanical bull would be the luckiest thing that would ever happen to me. As I lay dazed, atop some circus-y, inflatable bumper, I realized my hand had fallen onto a soggy $20 bill. All at once, the jitters of the polite getting-to-know-you questions, thoughtful what-do-you-do-for-fun discussions, and see-I’m-cool travel stories from our earlier dinner date faded into the hazy intoxication of potentiality. This $20 dollar bill was my sign. If today was gonna by my lucky day, I was gonna take full advantage of it. I walked over to Jackie, grinning like an idiot, and kissed her. She kissed me back, and we haven’t looked back since. -John

Refrigerator Romance

How I fell in love with his fridge first

In John and my early days of dating, I decided to snoop around his house. As I learned from "It's Always Sunny", murderers usually store the heads of their victims in the fridge, so naturally, I checked there first. I slowly opened the door, bracing myself for whatever I might find. While there were no limbs in sight, what I did see made me instinctively cup my hands over my gaping mouth. His fridge had the exact same contents as mine! Greek yogurt, hummus, and a 12-pack of beer. Be still my beating heart, I've found him. -Jackie