Seth and Isabel grew up 5 minutes apart yet didn't actually meet until high school. They were pre-calc classmates in 2017. Seth was the sweet quiet guy and Isabel was the chatter box who was always distracting... but every chatterbox needs someone to listen ;) Wellllll it wasn't thattt easy. Isabel just wanted to be friends and focus on school. When covid hit there was nothing in the way and Seth took the opportunity to ask Isabel out often. They were always out eating together or hiking or swimming,etc. That is until Seth left for months for military training. Seth and Isabel did long distance communicating for months only via handwritten letters! The rest is history from there.
We had gone on many brunch/lunch/dinner dates but our first real date was kayaking. We both loved always being on the go and doing activities just different ideas of what that is - Seth preferred golf, driving around, walking, etc. and Isabel preferred hiking, swimming, trying new restaurant's, etc. We decided kayaking was the perfect middle ground. We we put our friends kayaks in the back of the car and went to the lake which was an amazing day except for we left the gate open and my dog ran away and Seth got blisters... fortunately his blisters healed and we got my dog back home safely.
We were in a small Mexican surf town for spring break with my family and had spent the last few days doing fun ocean activities including skydiving and boating with whales n dolphins. We were having a rest and recovery day before more adventure filled days... After dinner we went by the pool for some family photos with the ocean behind when Seth decided it was the perfect time to pop the question. Which for Isabel was priceless to be able to say yes in one of her favorite places with some of her favorite people! Looking back there was so many clues and I (Isabel) definitely should've seen it coming but it made it all the more exciting that I didn't.
Going to mass at the pantheon in Rome with Isabel while backpacking through Europe is easily the number one memory in my life so far not even of just us!
In Sweden we went paddle boarding and in just a couple hours Seth fell off about 15 times (essentially every time a large boat would pass quickly) and there were rowing teams out practicing shocked/chuckling every 30 seconds when he’d fall again and again - I felt bad at first but I could not stop laughing and just when I would ‘plop’ haha
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Seth y yo vivíamos solo 5 minutos aparte pero no nos conocíamos hasta la prepa... media hora de donde vivimos jaja. Teníamos la misma clase de calculus donde el era el hombre lindo que no hablaba mucho y yo la niña que siempre estaba hablando y distrayendo pero cada platicadora necesita alguien a escuchar... bueno no fue así de fácil aunque éramos amigos no fue hasta covid que los dos de repente teníamos mucho tiempo libre que empezamos a salir. Eventualmente Seth pidió a salir y el resto es historia!
Cuando fuimos a Roma atendimos un misa en el pantheon con Isabel y sus padres este verano y no solo es un memoria favorita con Isabel pero en todo mi vida!
Cuando estuvimos en Swecia fuimos a hacer paddle boarding y en menos de dos horas Seth se calló mas de quince veces (básicamente cada vez una lancha grande pasaba) y había profesionales y equipos de escuela en el lago también viéndonos como esos americanos no saben que están haciendo jaja al principio sentía mal pero no había nada que yo podia hacer para el menos solo reír y reír cada vez que escuchaba PLOP
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