
Henry & Stephanie


Stephanie Walter


Henry Walter

October 21, 2023

Chesapeake, VA

How we met

The first time we saw each other was at a Hillsdale welcome event in Virginia before the start of our Freshman year at Hillsdale College. Though we sat right next to each other neither of us talked to the other and Stephanie remembers Henry being completely silent at the event. Which if you know Henry, is not a complete surprise. What could have been the end of any interaction was not since Henry ended up being in the friend group of Stephanie’s college roommate. Needless to say we went without talking to each other much of Freshman year. Something changed the beginning of our sophomore year at college, and Henry noticed Stephanie at a party and started talking to her. He then started taking her to Sunday Mass. Stephanie knew Henry was interested in her when he asked her to his fraternity’s fall social. The deal was sealed when Stephanie bid on Henry for a date at his fraternity’s fundraiser.

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