September 5, 2021
New Hope, PA

Hanah & Kevin


Gold DropsGold DropsGold DropsGold Drops

Kevin O'Hara


Hanah Wade


New Hope


September 5


How we Met

His Side

I met Hanah some time in August of 2008. We had both transferred into Muhlenberg at the same time, and they had all 10-12 of us in a room together. I ended up being friends with several of those people, Hanah included. I can vividly remember seeing her out or at parties and thinking after we’d talked, “that is an extremely nice person”. Turns out she was extremely interested in me, but how was I supposed to know that? We both graduated college, having been friendly all throughout, but never more than that. We went our separate ways seeing each other sparingly for the next 5-6 years. In January of 2017 Spencer wanted me to come to a birthday thing at a bar on the UES on a Friday night. I didn’t really want to go but I went anyway. Hanah was there. She made fun of me for being in a full suit. Anyway Hanah spent 15 minutes talking to me and I again thought to myself “she’s spending a lot of her time talking to me I wonder why she’s doing that”? Dave was with me and he said something along the lines of “you know she’s hitting on you right”? That’s why we keep Dave around. We ended up getting split up that night in a really crowded bar and I left. She grabbed a mutual friend’s phone and texted me. Once I saw that text come through “hey it’s Hanah”, I thought to myself, “maybe she does like you”.

How we Met

Her Side

Kevin and I met at an orientation meeting for new transfers at Muhlenberg - we both transferred in from different colleges our sophomore year. We didn’t interact much but he seemed like a very nice tall basketball man. Fast forward a year and there he was, doing the Bernie in the middle of the basketball huddle before a game. I immediately thought “I like the way that guy Bernies.” At that time I figured I’d keep my eye on him.... Years later and several attempts at getting his attention, we “re-met” at a Muhlenberg birthday party in the City at a dive bar called Ryan’s Daughter. I saw him and thought this was my chance. I walked up and made fun of him for wearing a suit to a dive bar. He said “oh hey, thanks.” And turned around. ...quickly learned that Kevin is blind to sarcasm. So that went well. I walked away and thought “ok let me get one more beer and try this one more time”. Luckily, that last attempt worked and here we are.... The learning here (if there is one) is if you persist, you may get the best guy out there. I did :)

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