
Juan & Gina


Gold LineGold Line

Juan Martinez-Mendes


Gina Mueller


September 8, 2024

Salem, WI
96 days96 d13 hours13 h38 minutes38 min11 seconds11 s

How We Met


Juan and Gina met the traditional way couples meet these days and that’s through the internet. Gina was in the middle of her graduate school journey to become an Occupational Therapist when she first Juan. She had been casually dating but wasn't sure she could balance graduate school, work and a relationship but Juan was persistent and patient, as he remains today, and continued to pursue Gina to hang out even though they lived in different states. We met and felt an instant connection together -even though Juan roundhouse kicked me in the back on our second coffee date trying to be playful. 😂 We were long distance for over a year before moving in together in Wisconsin where we now live happily! ❤️

The Proposal


In December of 2022, Juan and Gina were planning for their annual trip to visit Gina's brother Lee for Christmas. A couple of days before they were supposed to leave, Juan tested positive for COVID-19. Little did Gina know that it wasn't just disappointing for her to possibly not spend Christmas with her boyfriend but Juan was planning to propose on this trip. Juan did everything he could to switch his flights and rest up to finally make it to Florida before Christmas day. After gifts were opened and Kendall made his Christmas breakfast, Gina got up to go the bathroom. On her way out, Juan stood up from the couch and told me there was one more present that needed to be opened and it was for me. He then got down on one knee in front of my mother Terry, brother Lee and brother-in-law Kendall and asked me to be his WIFE on Christmas morning! We're so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you. See you at the Barn!

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