
Elizabeth & Eric

    Things To Do

Things To Do

Below are a few places in the Madison area that we love and recommend you visit while you're here!

Hubbard Avenue Diner

7445 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton, WI 53562

This is our favorite spot for brunch. It's about 5 minutes away from our apartment in Middleton. Their bacon is just as perfect as their iced caramel lattes!

National Mustard Museum

7477 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton, WI 53562

After you finish eating brunch at Hubbard, walk next door to the Mustard Museum! You'll see more mustard than you have ever seen in your life as well as the world's only mustard vending machine.

Vitense Golfland

5501 Schroeder Road, Madison, WI 53711

We went here in our first year of dating. Eric beat Beth, but it's not like he still has the card to prove it... Wait--yes, yes he does.

Crumbl Cookies - Madison, WI

4010 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53705

Beth's maid of honor, Harley, got us onto Crumbl. They have new cookie flavors every week and nail it every single time!

Madison Children's Museum

100 North Hamilton Street, Madison, WI 53703

Eric took Beth here for her 21st birthday which was also her first time in Madison. This place is truly fun for all ages!

Henry Vilas Zoo

702 South Randall Avenue, Madison, WI 53715

After we went to the Children's Museum for Beth's 21st birthday, Eric took her to the Henry Vilas Zoo. This place is also fun for all ages and, bonus...it's free!

State Street

State Street, Madison, WI

State Street, located in downtown Madison, has a variety of shops and places to dine. You'll also get a great view of the Capitol down there!

The Plaza Tavern

319 North Henry Street, Madison, WI 53703

Near State Street, we also recommend stopping at the Plaza Tavern for the best burger and sauce you'll have in your life. Ask for Plaza sauce on the side and dip your burger into it--trust us and thank us later.

Lewis G. Weeks Hall for Geological Sciences

Madison, WI 53715

Beth's personal recommendation: The UW Geology Museum is an interactive, self-guided museum with all sorts of rocks, minerals, and fossils. One of my favorite parts was touching a rock that was millions of years old!

Geeks Mania Arcade

6502 Odana Road, Madison, WI 53719

Eric's personal recommendation: This is a retro-style arcade with a split between regular arcade machines and pinball machines. The machines vary in age, ranging across a few decades!

Fosdal Home Bakery

243 East Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

This is the bakery that will be doing our cake for the wedding! We recommend checking out their many other treats, too.