April 16, 2022
Las Vegas, NV

Funke & Daniel

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Lola Adefope

Maid of Honor

I don't remember first meeting my lil sis, I just know she's always been there. I used to love matching clothes with her (all the kids in our family went to parties in matching outfits- think sailor themed!). It was great until I hit my teens and she would still put on the exact same outfit as me... Now twinning clothes with both my sisters is totally a thing! I adored her, then wanted to give her back and now, of course- I'm back to wholeheartedly adoring her... (when she isn't singing En Vogue in duet with Rhiannone that is!)

Mike Wishko

Best Man

Well, I met Dan as soon as I came out the birth canal. Danny is 3 years older than me & we grew up in the same house all of our childhood. One of the best shared memories is when Dan was 12 and I was 9 and we played on the same 'majors' little league team called the 'Jags' while our Dad was the coach. The league little wasn't ready for that many Wishkos on the diamond at once, it was a hell of a year!

Tosin Adefope

Matron of Honor

I started the trend being born in February, but Funke refused to conform! Can’t really remember first meeting my baby sis, I just remember a smart little munchkin appeared who for some reason always got a train carriage as part of our February train cake even though she wasn’t born in February! And would then STILL got her own October birthday party, Barbie cake AND Nigerian public holiday on October 1st!!! She grew taller and taller and more beautiful and we oscillated between trying to kill each other and being totally in love! Very proud of my not so little sister Aka Dr Funks!

Jacob Ozuna


I met Dan on our first basketball team back in Kindergarten. He was tall, lanky and a bit like a giraffe. Our family moved next door to his in 7th grade and we became best friends. I have fond memories of beating him in wiffle ball, Madden (video games) and eating contests!

Lucy Coker-Adekunbi

Co-Chief Bridesmaid

I met Funky where geeks meet...at a revision course whilst doing our A-levels. By day, we bonded over a game of chess, our love of Nigeria and dream to become doctors. By night, we would sneak out of our boarding house to, well...cause mischief. Since then, we have had an amazing 15-years supporting each other to be the best versions of ourselves. We have lived, travelled and worked together, having a blast along the way. My sister from another mister, I am so blessed to have you in my life!

Patrick Crivell


From Funke's point of view Paddy is Dan's genius friend who has been bouncing around Thailand, Australia and Bali for the last 10 years. He is now currently settled in Bali doing big things. Funke wants his life.

Rhiannone Bahia Dhadda

Co-Chief Bridesmaid

I met Funke when I was 12 years old at Boarding school and we’ve been best friends ever since! Although we live many miles apart whenever we see each other it’s like nothing has changed, including our childish behaviour :) We always laugh, love and sing Envogue or Celine Dion until we’ve lost our voices. A lifelong friend who shares the same passions as me, Harry Potter & Real Housewives! We’ve been together through the highs and the lows and now I can’t wait to celebrate the ultimate high in Funke’s life. Cheers to the happy couple.

Drew Eisinger


Dan and Drew grew up in the Seattle area together in Mill Creek. They have been friends since elementary school. He's a pretty cool dude.

Emily Selmes


I first met Funks in halls of residence at University in the UK. Not exactly sure of first meeting but I'm sure it had to do with Ring of Fire, Walkabout and Snakebites...

Jordan Westmorland


Bombay and Dan grew up as neighbors from the age of 7. Bombay has also been living a fabulous life in Thailand, Bali and Australia for the last 10 years. He is now currently back in Mill Creek in the Seattle area, let's see how long that lasts... Funke actually has no idea why they all call him Bombay!

Kehinde Akibayo


We met in the most random way at a mutual friend's graduation dinner in Chicago. It was love at first sight and we've been bosom buddies ever since!

Jamie Eisinger


Jamie is Drew's slightly younger brother. Dan and Jamie have been friends since elementary school and from what they tell Funke, they were the stars of their school basketball team. Jamie is also a pretty cool dude.

JC Mercado Mebane


I am a pharmacist and being that we are both in the healthcare field we have a lot in common. We met at a music festival: Pitchfork. I saw her off in the distance walking towards me with a mutual friend of ours and as she approached, the drinks she was holding dropped and went crashing to the ground! There's another story there- but that's for another time, lets just say I love a girl who is both smart and frugal and fun as well!

Olumide Adefope


We have always been at a disadvantage getting outvoted by the women in the house. Having Dan as a brother is the best thing, 3 for 3!

Swetha Vakkalanka


What to say about Swetha? My newest friend! We met on the first day of our new job as Family Medicine resident physicians in Las Vegas. Swetha doesn't know this but I decided the first second we introduced ourselves to each other that I would make her my work bestie! Little did I know it wouldn't stop there and she would find her way into my wedding party! Love me some Dr. V! - Funke

Rotimi Adefope


Dan is frankly my favourite sibling so far- can I return the others? We first met on video chat. The rest of my family was in the background behaving normally for us, meaning downright strange, when he took that in stride- I was sold!

Sherman Wishko

Dog of Honor

Unfortunately our furry son will not be able to be present on the day because let's face it... he's a little cray cray, but he will be there in spirit as our dog of honor!

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