November 6, 2021
Des Moines, IA

Erin & Brian

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Collin Simmons

Maid of Honor

I wish I could be half the friend she is. She is the JD to my Turk, she would burn down a building if needed to take revenge in my name, you know, normal best friend stuff. Seriously though, I’ve never been so thankful for alphabetical order. We were paired together as college roommates thanks to alphabetical order and have been best friends since I called the room the Saturday before college and asked if she wanted to go to a party. It’s been a beautiful 19 years. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Ryan Robuck

Best Man

Ryan is my first cousin and we basically grew up together. Over the years, we may have caused a bit of trouble and consternation for our parents until we matured a couple years ago. I always appreciate phone calls from Ryan to catch up and talk college football. We enjoy attending the Iowa and Iowa State football and basketball games together. It is always “interesting” to watch Ryan, a hardcore Cyclone, navigate the Kinnick faithful. It was an honor to be Ryan’s best man when he married Danielle. Ryan is the closest thing I have to a brother.

Sarah Mumm


Sarah is the kindest, most caring human being I have ever met. I do not deserve to have her in my life, but I’m lucky enough that she lets me be her friend anyway. When I describe Sarah to people who don’t know her, I describe her as Snow White skipping through the forest as the animals flock to her, I think this pretty much sums up Sarah in a nutshell. PS - I have tons of pictures of the two of us but this is my favorite picture of Sarah because it sums up all everything that is Sarah in one picture.

Rich Clark

Best Man

As classmates, I remember having to put my best effort forward just to keep up with Rich. I have always admired how analytical he is, which enabled him to grasp things quickly and excel at whatever he set his mind to. That also meant I rarely could keep up in pool, ping-pong or batting average. While our semester together at ISU perhaps wasn’t the most productive, we improved our foosball skills and made some great memories in Cedar Falls, Tama and St. Louis. After college, Rich let me bunk up in his home and often shared a seat on the glass at the Des Moines Bucs games. There isn’t a better friend to have attended the Knoxville Nationals with every year possible since 1989.

Katie Eaves


Katie and I didn’t get along until we no longer lived in the same house. When I left for college, she’d call me to tell me about the new rocks that Mom had moved into corners of the house or what rooms had been painted crazy colors (Mom had a Feng Shui phase) and we eventually realized that, with a little space, we actually could get along. Katie also made me an aunt which is pretty much the best gift anyone could give me.

Matt Bybee


I got to know Matt over multiple summers “working” for (John) Dank’s Lawn Care. His indomitable spirit and quick jokes were regularly on display. Later on, Matt ended having work accounts in and around Iowa City and we somehow managed to meet up at The Vine or Old Chicago followed up by the Sports Column. Matt and I get together every summer for golf, pitch and a night at the Nationals. Without Matt, I would never have gotten to the Masters and I would be the worst golfer in the foursome. Matt was the first to say that Erin was too good for me. Everyone needs a friend like that.

Katie Murphy


Katie didn’t speak for the first four days I knew her, until she found out I was a Microbiology major and we pretty much haven’t stopped talking from that point forward (her major was BioChem). We were lab partners in Microbiology and had to borrow blood to type (very illegal) because the lab was too germy for Katie to prick her finger and I almost passed out at the thought of having to poke my own finger, this is the type of neurotic weirdoes we are and why we make such a good pair. She will also throw a mean elbow to knock a cheerleader down to secure a vegetarian pizza.

Brent Hutchings


Brent didn’t have much choice growing up but to tolerate me as his parents, Sharon and Bob, had the unenviable task of being my “daycare provider.” Brent, always unselfish, taught me some of the finer things in outdoor life like fishing, bike rides, muddin’, cruising and campfires with Elf soda pop. A big Hawkeye fan, I used to be able to lure Brent over to Iowa City for football games. We enjoyed getting together in Boone or Minneapolis to re-group with Tom and Damon to vie for Monopoly supremacy. No matter what or when, Brent has always been the best of friends.

Laura Gray


Laura has the biggest heart. Laura is also a goofball who always makes me smile when we hangout and no matter how long it’s been it always feels like we just hung out yesterday. Laura, Kelly, and I had Iowa football tickets together until I moved to Virginia and some of my best memories are pre-dawn moments with those girls drinking.

Ty Van Ryswyk


Ty and I were locker mates from junior high through high school. Through the years what I have always loved about Ty is his ability to see the humor in about anything. He’s always ready with a contagious, genuine laugh and ready to have a good time. If you give Ty lemons, he will make lemonade. Fast Freddie’s garage was headquarters for fun and often the beginning or end of many memorable evenings. Some of my best memories are weekends at UNI and boating trips to Red Rock, the Ozarks and Table Rock. I’m grateful to Ty for sharing all of that with me. I may not be Ty’s favorite, but Ty is one of mine.

Kelly Enstrom


Who did I go to when I finished Harry Potter book 6 and was sobbing (no spoilers)? It was Kelly. We held each other and cried. Nothing can break that bond. We’ve also beat a lot of people at drinking games over the years, never underestimate the piccolos. W2 4 eva.

Tom Roff


I spent a lot of time at Tom’s home on Sunset Drive. It was a gathering spot and he always made me feel welcome. It’s also where about five different nicknames I have originated. Tom is the most clever and funniest person I know. Whether it is Monopoly, poker, homerun derby, APBA, fantasy football, you name it, Tom is usually very good at it. He is genuine and authentic. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like Tom, nor would I want to. I consider myself lucky to call Tom a friend.

Jordan Pierce

Jr. Groomsman

Our nephew Jordan (Deb) is a senior at Morningside College majoring in secondary education. Most of his spare time is devoted to playing baseball for the Mustangs as an infielder. He also likes to follow his girlfriend Ashton’s softball team and hang out with their dog, Cowboy. JP can be found watching any sport but he particularly enjoys the Denver Broncos, Baltimore Orioles and Chicago Blackhawks. JP won “Christmas Gift of the Year” when he got Erin an advent calendar of Star Wars socks. I’m guessing he regretted the 15 days of pictures of socks but it was my favorite gift of the year!

Brett Pierce

Jr. Groomsman

Our nephew Brett (Deb) is a sophomore at Iowa State University majoring in kinesiology. When he’s not hanging out with friends, he’s a college hunk mover, basketball junkie, and weight lifter with a keen sense of humor. Brett is a tortured Chicago Bears fan who occasionally keeps tabs on the college teams in Iowa City. Erin will always remember him as the 8 year who asked if she would buy him the movie Spaceballs when there were no other grown ups around. He forever sealed his place in my heart at that moment. PS - Yes, I (Erin) was wrong about Rey’s parents and now you have it in writing. Enjoy!

Norah Eaves

Jr. Bridesmaid

If you want to know what I was like as a child introduce yourself to Norah. She’s a type A, rule follower and pretty much the best. She’s also very literal. If anyone blows a whistle at you and demands that you finish your drink at the wedding, it will likely be Norah. Blame her grandfather for this behavior.

Zander Gilmore

Jr. Groomsman

It’s hard to believe our nephew Zander (Tammy) is already a fifth grader. I have enjoyed watching him play basketball, baseball, and hearing about the things he’s building with Legos. We went to the sprint car races in Knoxville this last summer and I hope we get to go together again soon before it’s uncool to hang out with his uncle! Ask Zander about dinosaurs, minecraft, legos or anything else he’s interested in, you won’t regret it! He never ceases to amaze me with his curiosity and depth of knowledge.

Della Eaves

Jr. Bridesmaid

Della will absolutely be the first child that we have to bail out of jail. She has always had a mind of her own, her “terrible twos” lasted 30 months. Luckily for the family, she finally grew out of it. She’s prepared several dances for the wedding so expect to see her on the dance floor most of the evening.

Max Gilmore

Jr. Groomsman

Our nephew Max (Tammy) is a third grader who loves puzzles and games. I always enjoy time spent with Max whether it’s playing a board game, trick-or-treating or hanging out at the Iowa State Fair. He’s growing up fast! Max has finally grown into his head but Auntie Erin will always remember when he spent the day with us and was so worn out he passed out in a very unsafe position in the car (see picture). This is another reason we aren’t allowed to have kids.

Axel Eaves

Jr. Groomsman

It took me a while to fall in love with Axel because he was such a momma’s boy. It finally happened when I asked him to help me pick up some playdoh and he proceeded to get a toy dump truck and use it to pick up all the playdoh, that’s thinking outside the box. Now he’s Aunt E’s boy forever (even though I think he loves Uncle Brian more).

Doug Krupa


When I first saw Doug I was huddled under a parked semi truck hiding from the rain and he was dressed like the Gordon’s fisherman. This was probably the fourth day of band camp at The University of Iowa and we’ve been friends ever since. Doug might take the prize for the “Friend I should have died with” as we somehow always seemed to end up in “situations.” We’re both alive now and functioning members of society so everything worked itself out just fine. If you see Doug after the ceremony, he may have Das Boot or the Shotski out so feel free to introduce yourself.

Sadie Robuck

Flower Girl

Sadie is the daughter of Danielle and Ryan Robuck (best man) and is my goddaughter. She is going to be three soon and enjoys the outdoors, swimming, ponytails, hanging out with her family and going to Cyclone (and Hawkeye) games. She’s coming to visit us in April and we can’t wait!

Willa Robuck

Flower Girl

One good thing about delaying the wedding 16 months is that we gained a flower girl! Miss Willa joined the family in 2020 and we’re so excited that she can join big sister Sadie as a flower girl! We haven’t gotten to hang out as much as we’d like thank to this pandemic but if she’s as much fun as her big sister, you’re in for a real treat!

Ziggy Eaves

Ring Bearer

Ziggy should really be my son. He loves donuts, music, and reading and is just the best little boy ever! Aunt E was lucky enough to go with his mom to China when he joined the family so he will always have a special place in my heart. Ask him about marshmallows, you won’t regret it!


Child of the Couple


Child of the Couple

Patrick Eaves


Kit and I both chose men who are more fashionable than us. They are also both quieter and kinder than us which makes them a good balance to the Collins girls “strong” personalities. Patrick has a great sense of humor and is the perfect foil to my sister in every way. I couldn’t ask for a better brother-in-law.

Damon Dunkel


Somehow Damon and I didn’t really cross paths often until junior high but we managed to make up for lost time. Memories of Motley Crue and Mustangs before football games and on road trips come to mind. Over the years, no matter where I am, Damon makes time to visit, even in Virginia. That means a lot. I’d also be lost if he didn’t (patiently) share his financial planning expertise. Damon is thoughtful, generous, successful and the kind of friend anyone would be fortunate to have.

Darrell Murphy


Darrell and I had a lot of great times together in the summertime on baseball diamonds and during trips to S.E. Polk County for Dank’s Lawn Care. I won’t forget Darrell inviting me along to Southern California to visit his family, take in La Jolla beach, and to watch the Padres play. He introduced me to Tesla and we reveled in a shared appreciation for Led Zeppelin. We still get together once a year for a trip to Kinnick stadium and I hope to join him for some fly-fishing in Montana. Darrell is as solid and principled of a person you’re ever going to come across.

Rick Vrban


After a rocky start stemming from an embarrassing incident in second grade, my wish to be Rick’s friend finally came true. Growing up, he was like Gene Simmons of KISS while I was more like Hee Haw. These days Rick’s a savvy fantasy football coach and talking strategy is a good excuse for us to exchange a text message or phone call. Over the years, memorable rendezvous’ with Rick have occurred in Cape Girardeau, Waco, Breckenridge and Branson. I look forward to our annual fall gathering in Iowa City to watch the Hawks and to recount stories about Rick’s famous chili. It’s a laugh a minute with Rick.

Joe Franey


Joe and I were classmates at Pleasantville and at Central College. Joe schlepped me back and forth from Pella way more than his fair share. Early on, we found a shared interest in losing our summer job money playing cards and on trips to Las Vegas. We spent many days playing golf at the country club and in various best-shot tournaments, which our team never won in spite of Joe being a fine golfer. I have always admired Joe’s quick wit, mastery with numbers, and steadfast friendship. I look forward to each August when we golf and throw the cards around together so Joe can tell me what an idiot I am.

Ron Danks


I got to know Ron (a.k.a. Judge) when I started working for Dank’s Lawn Care in junior high. Over the years, I learned much from Judge and he had a big influence on me (most of it positive). Outside of work, we played a lot of golf and I was usually Judge’s cart-mate where he sometimes saw the worst of me. A huge sports fan, Ron let me tag along whenever I could to sporting events. He is also partly responsible for my love of card games and he introduced me to Las Vegas. Judge is well read, intelligent, has a big heart and tells the best stories with an infectious laugh. We’re honored to have him in our wedding.

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