September 17, 2022
Lexington, KY

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    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our cast...

Eric Butts


Eric Butts. Filmmaker, Musician, Awesome.

Mary "Von Butts"


Mary "Von Butts". Easy, Breezy, Beautiful. Ikranä Maktoyu

Mike Elmore

Best Man

A super talented, very hilarious, incredibly cool dude with a huge heart who both Bride and Groom are proud to call a friend!

Mike Elmore

Maid of Honor

A Long time great friend of the bride, also a former roommate. Also a former RHPS cast-mate. Suddenly, the bride is a little afraid of how Mike's toast will go...

Jerry Williams


Jerry and Eric have been through the trenches of filmmaking together! Making the no budget oppus "Zeppo: Sinners from Beyond the Moon!" together! A joyous man who brings more happiness to those around him!

Kathy Hobbs


A MAJOR reason Eric & Mary met and a MAJOR friend to both of them! More importantly am absolutely wonderful and VERY clever woman who knows how to charm! Eric & Mary will never forget falling in love over her dead body!

Nic Brown


Nic supported Eric and survived the film making trenches together on the original first season of the award winning series, Girl/Girl Scene! He's always going to bring a large heart, a clever bit of snark and sometimes, a really cool hat!

Tina Becker


Mary's old college buddy and original roommate! Mary's a little afraid of how Tina's toast is going to go...

Casey Miracle


Casey has been through the trenches of film making with the whole groom party and is just one of the most clever, helpful and LOVABLE people you'll ever meet! He's your guy if you ever need a three legged horse...or pretty much anything generally!

Deb Bridge


A Wonderfully fun, long time friend of Mary's with a really fun sense of humor! Her favorite Pokemon is Growlithe! Also a former RHPS cast-mate of the bride. Once again, the bride is worried about the toast...

David Griffith


David is a LONG time friend of Mary's that Eric has come to love as well. The fact that he will be speaking the words of our union brings us much joy!

John Butts

Father of the Groom

The brilliant mad man who created the groom! He has a Genius mind and a sunny disposition! He also loves himself some nice Rye and a great Stogie while reading some science fiction!

John "Von Butts"

Father of the Bride

Do like cheesy jokes? Do you like crazy stories? Than you'll love the father of the bride! Chat with him and you're going to be laughing!

Glenna "Von Butts"

Mother of the Bride

The AMAZING mother of the bride who knows how to have fun! One of the most helpful people you'll ever meet, she's always happy to lend a hand! Also the world's BEST Cat Sitter, but don't ask her to take care of yours, SHE BELONGS TO US!

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