
Elizabeth & Robert

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us.

Rachel Bucher

Matron of Honor

Rachel and Liz are “womb-mates”, best friends, partners in crime, and a dynamic duo. They’ve been inseparable since birth and share the same, thoughts, feelings, and interests. No matter what stage in life, they know their bond is a constant they can always rely on. Even when distance separates them, there is not a day that goes by where their twin telepathy is not in sync. They are each other’s person and will always be there for each other no matter what.

Greg Bucher

Best Man

Bobby and Greg met while working together at Walt Disney World, where they went from co-workers to becoming great friends and now, brothers-in-law. The two of them spent many days running Main Street U.S.A., having a good drink around Disney and enjoying their time with the Tyler family. Greg was instrumental in lighting the spark between Bobby and Elizabeth and we wouldn’t be here today without him.

Brianne Tyler


Brianne and Erin are Liz's cousins. They were always together growing up and still continue to be close today. From sleepovers, dancing, and home movies, there was never a time when they weren't laughing and having fun together. (Continued below..)

Daniel Sohler


Danny is Bobby’s older brother, making the two of them the best things that have ever happened to Bob and Bernadette Sohler. Well-traveled and frequently seen with a leading score at trivia nights, Danny has a vast knowledge of any topic that can keep the conversation going.

Erin Tyler


(Part 2) So many of Liz's favorite memories include Brianne and Erin. They are the kindest and most thoughtful people you will ever meet. They are not only Liz's cousins, but also best friends and sisters.

Chris Bonner


Chris is one of Bobby’s close friends and considers him family. They met through Chris’ wife, Carissa, one of Bobby’s former Disney co-workers, and the two of them share a love of video games, dogs and Fireball whiskey.

Barbara Tyler

Mother of the Bride

My mom is beautiful both inside and out. She has always been there for me and has shown me the fun in life, especially when it comes to Disney. I am the woman I am today because of her.

Bernadette Sohler

Mother of the Groom

My mom is the strongest person I know. Hard-working, determined and dedicated, she has worked diligently to take care of her family and set her sons up for a life of happiness and success.

Timothy Tyler

Father of the Bride

My dad is the most hard-working, giving, selfless, and incredible person I have ever met. He has supported me through all my adventures and given me so much. I would not be where I am today without him.

Bob Sohler

Father of the Groom

Big Bob Sohler is the man. He honestly doesn’t even need another sentence, but I’ll give it to him anyway. My dad is my hero and everything I look up to in a father, role model and in a person.

Lilly Belle

Flower Child

The cutest princess Ewok puppy in the world, what else is there to say? Lilly Belle came into Bobby and Liz’s lives in 2018 and it hasn’t been the same ever since. Fluffy, cuddly and with a personality that will make your heart melt, everyone she meets falls in love with her. And so will you.


Flower Child

The most handsomest, bestest boy at the wedding. Watch out for your shoes and pant legs! Oliver will sink his teeth into them and wiggle his way right into your heart! Oliver is Bobby and Liz’s Dachshund puppy they adopted this past year - and he’s come (and grown) a looooong way!

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