We request that everyone attending the wedding is fully vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, please kindly RSVP no. We want to make our special day as safe as possible for our friends and family!
We request that everyone attending the wedding is fully vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, please kindly RSVP no. We want to make our special day as safe as possible for our friends and family!
April 30, 2022
Nashville, Tennessee

Eileen & Adam

    Wedding Party
Colorful brushesAbstract Decor

Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family who are walking down the aisle with us.

Deanna Tiek

Maid of Honor

Deanna and I have been best friends since undergrad, when we accidentally signed up for the exact same schedule one semester. We lived together then, visited each other many times over the years, and both lived in Chicago until recently.

Zane Rider

Best Man

I've known Zane for as long as I can remember, from admiring his mohawk in elementary school to living together in undergrad.

Christina Snider


Christina and I became fast friends in undergrad, even winning "Dynamic Duo" at our sorority formal.

Kyle Daughtrey


Kyle and I started as chemistry lab partners in undergrad and quickly realized we had the same dry sense of humor.

Agnes Maniak


Agnes and I worked together at Rush, and I couldn't have gotten through residency without her.

Matt Wilson


Matt and I met in high school at a summer camp at UT, and he got sucked into living with me during undergrad.

Margaret Miller


Margaret, or Meg as I still call her, has been one of my best friends since third grade.

Gray Perry


Gray and I became friends in high school, nerded out together constantly, and were teammates on our high school soccer team before living together in undergrad.

Alyssa Niemiec


Niemiec and I were in the same sorority in college and have reconnected in Nashville with Ted Lasso/Bachelor/Rom-com nights!

Neal Robinson


Neal is Eileen's older brother, and he's always good for a sport- or politics-related joke that's guaranteed to make me laugh.

Megan Hasse


Megan is Adam's sister and we became friends an entire year before Adam and I met.

Trevor Levy


Trevor is my sister Megan's fiancé and is as good as family at this point, as well as making the best drinks I've ever tasted.

Katelyn Hasse


Katelyn is Adam's sister and we got along well as soon as Adam introduced us because we have so much in common.

Ryan Latture


Ryan is my first brother (in-law, technically) when he and Katelyn got married last year.

Jessica Grenvik


Jessica, Eileen, and Adam all worked together at summer camp and have remained great friends since that time. Jessica went to undergrad with Adam and medical school with Eileen. She has always been one of their biggest cheerleaders and an amazing support system for both of them.

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