
Julia & Tim

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We're Getting Married!


Tim Draluck


Julia Rein

April 20, 2024

La Jolla, CA

Our Story

Tim and Julia first met in Seattle on a dating app called “Bumble.” Their whole love story almost derailed before their first date when Tim accidentally gave Julia the wrong phone number due to his “fat thumbs.” They were planning on meeting up to go on a date but Tim never responded. Weeks went by without a message from Tim and Julia thought he had found someone else. That is, until Tim reached back out on the Bumble app to try to reconnect with Julia again. They then realized his error of giving the wrong phone number, laughed about it, and proceeded to go on a 6 hour long first date that consisted of dinner, drinks, and pinball. During their first months of dating, they were known to talk for so long at restaurants that they would always be the last to leave at closing time. After becoming a couple and enjoying a year of getting to know each other, the pandemic struck and they decided they needed a change of pace from the Seattle gloominess and traffic. They took a leap of faith and moved down to Reno, NV together without knowing anyone else and having only visited once! Since relocating to Reno, they have made many friends (mostly thanks to Tim and his numerous hobbies) and brought home a new family member- Bruno, an 85 lb bernedoodle puppy! Some of Julia, Tim, & Bruno’s favorite activities in Reno include trying new restaurants around town, going hiking, skiing/snowboarding (playing in the snow for Bruno), golfing, and attending Reno Aces baseball games! They can’t wait to see where life takes them in the future. They are soon hoping to buy a house and (eventually) start a family.

The Proposal


Julia and Tim had been dating for 4 years before Tim proposed in San Diego while visiting Julia’s family for Christmas. They had been talking about marriage for awhile by that point and knew they wanted to spend their lives together…they were just waiting on Tim to make the moves to make it happen. Originally, Tim was planning on proposing in Spring of 2023…but Julia was giving out (not so subtle) hints that it was time to get the show on the road so that they could start their new lives together! Julia’s friends- Avery, Marisa, and Karen came up with an elaborate plan to bring Julia to the proposal location by staging a fake Christmas office party, meanwhile Tim was supposed to be “meeting his aunt in LA for dinner.” Thanks to Julia’s amazing friends and family, Tim orchestrated the perfect proposal to Julia on Sunset Cliffs, San Diego followed by a surprise engagement dinner. Their dog, Bruno, even made a guest appearance for photos! It was the perfect evening and great start to their new adventure!

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