
Casandra & Ben

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Casandra Johnson and Ben Ward

Karen Williams


When Karen and Casandra met, Casy liked pink and Karen towered over her. Three decades later, Casandra still likes pink, she now towers over Karen; and Cas is in love with a great guy named Ben. Karen is deeply honoured to help usher in Casy’s and Ben’s new journey together.

Michaela Johnson

Matron of Honor

Casandra was introduced to Michaela in 1985 by their parents. After the initial meeting, she told Michaela to, “go back to where she came from.” Needless to say, Michaela didn’t, and the rest is history.

Cat Buckley


Casandra and Cat met in 2012 as employees of Mediabend Capital, a Chelsea gulag masquerading as a lifestyle empire. Their friendship has outlasted the company’s existence by a decade.

Chloë Menzies


Casy and I first met at our beloved Cafe Conti, in January 2008. I had recently moved to Paris and three of my friends told me to get in touch with someone called Casy Johnson, who was described as the coolest girl and the undisputed queen of Saint Germain. From our first meeting at Conti, the rest was history. Daily Conti debriefs, choosing a dressing theme for whenever we would go out at night (Casy dressed better as Blair Waldorf than Blair Waldorf dressed as Blair Waldorf), using the Moose Bar as our second living room, along with the other Cs (Carl and Charlie), late night sing-alongs at Chez Georges, 3am cheeseburgers at PSG, shopping trips to Miss Coquines, assigning nicknames for ourselves and those who entered our universe…the list is endless. 14 years later, the memories, in jokes, outfits, none of it gets old. Casy makes every moment so special and so much fun for everyone. You can be having what feels like the worst day of your life but you’ll see and hang out with Casy and walk away smiling and laughing. She is just magical like that and lights up any room. She is truly one of the best people.

Constance Smith


Casandra and Constance met wearing matching kilts at Branksome Hall in September of 1998. They met again at the University of Toronto in 2002, and again at Sciences Po Paris in 2007. In the fall of 2008 Constance opened her curtains facing rue Montfaucon in Paris, and who was standing in the window facing her? Casandra, who had just signed the most epic lease. Coincidence? I think not. Greatest 2+ decade friendship ping ponging across the same schools, streets, cities and countries? Without a doubt. And, to many many more.

Carl Lhomond


Cas and I met in Spanish class at Sciences Po, in Paris, in 2009. In short, a crazy Colombian Spanish teacher brought us together. Language classes are the only ones that would mix Master's students and undergrads. I was a 2nd year student and Cas was doing her Master's in Culture Management. Because Paris is Paris and Sciences Po is Sciences Po, most people just assumed we were related...What were the odds that two tall brown students sitting in the same Sciences Po class were NOT related. That would make us laugh but we didn't really connect immediately in class - Cas would show up late most of the time and obviously hangover most days. We then randomly bumped into each other on the Paris tram once and it happened to be her birthday that week. So she invited me to her party at the infamous "The Moose". There, I met all the Cs : Chloe, Charlie and of course Cas. She and I found out that we had more in common that just being tall brown individuals and she has been a bonus sister ever since! I got to crash her class' graduation party and my favorite photo of us is from that night : drinking (free!) champagne in Saint Germain, acting silly, imitating VOGUE poses sum it up pretty well.

Steven Bruno

Best Man

Steven and Ben met about 15 years ago in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, but it feels like they have been lifelong friends. Ben was a groomsman at the Bruno wedding just a few years ago. Steven counts Ben as a chosen brother, and he is honored be a part of Ben and Casy’s special day, and welcome Casy to his chosen family.

Andy Lin


You find family in odd places sometimes. And the ones you’re bound to by blood may not always be those you feel the most connected to. In my case, I was raised by three sisters and a mom — a pack of women if you will — but in 2010 I found a brother in a nondescript building at 10 Hope Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Ben’s been good company ever since.

Jesse Sullivan


Ben and Jesse met 15+ years ago when Ben was a young man with hair down to the middle of his back, a lovely dog and running partner named Marley and an incredible business idea that no one had thought of before or since: Smoothies. Their friendship blossomed as late nights were spent at 285 Bedford Avenue, a bar where Jesse worked on the ground floor and Ben resided in the apartment upstairs. It was during this time that Ben's aspirations blossomed from owning a modest, healthy, smoothie truck to an awesome, if slightly less healthy, brick-and-mortar bar. The bar was a huge hit and Ben gave his old pal and downstairs bartender a job. A few months later, Ben would hire a young lady to help Jesse out on his Thursday nights. She and Jesse have been together in love ever since. Through bars, birdies and ballgames Jesse and Ben's friendship continues to grow.

Matt Ward


Matt’s life-long dream of being an only child was shattered at age 2 1/2 when Barb and the Judge brought Ben home from the hospital. Despite that setback, he managed to become close with the intruder and they survived childhood in Athens, Ohio together, along with some memorable treks with their overlords (the aforementioned mentioned Barb and the Judge). While Matt was unable to resist the pull of the land of demolition derbies and cow tipping, he is happy that Ben was able make his escape and find his Casy!

Philip Crandall


Ben and Phil met on the hard-scrabble (read: hipster-ridden) streets of North Brooklyn. They were fast friends, bonding over their love of a good book, telling tales over a pint, and their favorite horrible football teams. (Go Bills/Browns!) They have worked together, lived together (ask Ben what their apt. was called!) and Ben even went on the Crandall family vacation one year! Will they ever open NYC's finest garbage plate food truck? Only time will tell...

William Eidenback


15+ years ago, just back home in NY from too many years in LA, I was lucky enough to get a job at a bar that would introduce me to Ben. I was happy to meet him, but didn’t realize until much later how much that would affect my life. So many of my best friends trace back down the same road that leads to Ben Ward. He’s been a customer, a boss, a roommate, a fantasy football rival, a voice of reason (when needed), and most importantly an amazing friend. For more heartwarming Ben Ward stories, chances are you can ask anyone at the bar on the wedding day to sing his praises more eloquently than I ever could, but not from 7-7:30, that’s Jeopardy time.

For all the days along the way
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