August 20, 2023
Los Angeles, CA

Carlos & Anel

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Just some family and friends that have helped shape us over the years. Wouldn't want to walk down the aisle without them!

Adam Lopez

Best (Iron) Man

A friendship bonded in 35mm film, a brotherhood bonded by Black Sabbath, Adam was destined to be the Iron Man.

Daisy Chavarria

Matron of Honor

As Anel's oldest sister, Daisy has always served as a mentor with her wisdom. It's a no-brainer for her to lead Anel on her path to marriage.

Kalina Hall

Best (Iron) Maiden

Although acquainted in high school, it was The Number of the Beast that Hallowed Kalina as Iron Maiden.

Anahit Asatryan

Maid of Honor

A long time friend, Anahit has been there for Anel on many occasions, she was the obvious co-pilot for the bridesmaids. Without her spontaneity, Anel would not have been in New Orleans that faithful weekend.

Jacob Zindroski


Inappropriate jokes and a need to create has kept this friendship strong for 20 years! He's also instrumental in Anel and Carlos meeting.

Jenny Olguin


Sometimes, you just need someone to push you off the cliff. Jenny is that person. Her eccentricities, kindness, and honesty has always made Anel open up and make the jump on her own.

Connor Giosso


Whiskey and beer united them, Star Wars, Marvel, and B-movies have fueled their nerdom, metal made them excellent to each other and with ambition to party on.

Tania Sabido


Born only months apart, Tania is more than a cousin, and more than a friend. She's been symbiotically connected to Anel all their lives.

Ricardo Castellanos


There is no escaping this gentle giant, or his vehement insults if you are loved and appreciated.

Gema Guardado


Bonded by blood, her assertiveness and perfectionism will be exactly what this party needs to make this wedding one for the books.

Anthony Enciso


A Trooper of B-Crew, he needs no permission to Play with Madness.

Carolyn Ramirez


An adventurer and a creative force, Carolyn's presence compels anyone around her to take risks and seize the day.

Aldo Flores


A friendship originated literally at birth. Who else can say "I've known this guy since I formed a memory of anything" and have the photos to prove it.

Betsy Belle Camacho


BB is a pure and fiery soul who has an inspiring point of view if you need direction. Without her persistence to visit NOLA, Carlos and Anel may never have met under the circumstances they did.

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