August 3, 2019
Pittsburgh, PA

Caitlin & Tom

    Hotel Accommodations

Hotel Accommodations


The Westin Pittsburgh

1000 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
 (412) 281-3700

For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Westin, which is located in downtown Pittsburgh. The discounted rate will be available for booking until July 12, 2019. To reserve, click the link below under "view" or call the hotel and mention the Beer/Logan Wedding room block. Valet parking with in-and-out privileges is available at $29 per night, or you can self-park in their garage for $22 per night. Transportation for our guests will be provided between the Westin and our wedding venue.


Cambria Pittsburgh - Downtown

1320 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
 (412) 381-6687

For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Cambria Hotel, which is located just outside of downtown Pittsburgh. The discounted rate will be available for booking until July 12, 2019. To reserve, click the link below under "view" or call the hotel and mention the Beer/Logan Wedding room block. Garage parking is available for $18 per night and the hotel offers a free shuttle service to locations within 2 miles of the hotel, which includes all of downtown Pittsburgh. Transportation for our guests will be provided between the Cambria and our wedding venue.

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