August 15, 2020
Northport, MI

Elena & Brandon

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our favorite people. These are our friends and family walking down the aisle with us!

James Rogers

Best Man

Former RA, first person I liked at Hope College, former house mate, likes Oreos, but the thin type, and the only person who would happily drive 45 minutes to Krispy Kreme. That's all I got.


Flower Girl

My little sister and built-in best friend for life. is a balance of feisty, strong-willed, and compassionate. No one can make me laugh harder and I'm so thankful that God blessed me with her as a little sister. Brandon and share the same sense of humor, which ultimately means I am teased relentlessly when we are all together.

David Lakanen


Avid outdoorsman, drives 45 minutes to Krispy Kreme -just not happily, once walked out of an exam after five minutes, full-time study buddy and college roommate.

Tori Homann


Tori and I have had approximately 896 sleepovers together. If you want an accurate portrayal of how I feel about not living with her anymore, watch the Friends episode, "The One On The Last Night," where Rachel moves out of Monica's apartment. Tori is the Rachel to my Monica, and because of her my life is more balanced, I'm braver, and I have a lot more fun. Brandon, the roommate bar has been set extremely high.

Tyler Horn


We were housemates sophomore year and senior year, we've shared a lot of memories together, some stupider and possibly less legal than others. Prefers to sleep on the couch rather than walk 20 feet to his room.

Bethany Van Houten


I met Bethany the very first day of college. She's a loyal and true friend. I've never known anyone to scream louder when they see a bug (or think they've seen a bug). I'm thankful for all of our study dates, beach days, and "spontaneous" adventures. She made Holland, MI feel like home.

Murray Sales


If you want Pistons tickets -Murray is your guy! (Check out his linked in) We met when I subleased his room for summer research. If you're looking to expand your knowledge of pointless sports facts, definitely talk to Murray.

Kirsten Warner


My free-spirited, sunflower-field loving, henna tattooing, adventure seeking best friend! In sixth grade, I was thoroughly impressed with Kirsten's hula-hooping skills and extensive Twilight knowledge. We may not be trying to stick fruit roll-up wrappers in middle school boy's jacket during recess anymore, but Kirsten's friendship continually brings so much joy into my life.

Chris Newman


Computer connoisseur, the calm to Shaina's storm, and an all around great brother-in-law. Out of everyone on this list, I've known Chris the longest.

Shaina Newman


Brandon has not one, but two older sisters -and man, I lucked out with marrying into his family! Shaina is Brandon's oldest sister. She is adventurous, a world traveler, a foodie and excellent cook, and a great dog mom. I look up to her in so many ways!

Mitch Murphy


The brother-in-law to be. He's the part-time care taker of my main man, Quill (pictured above). Somehow combines both hipster and country, and pulls it off.

Heather Derstine


Heather is Brandon's second older sister. Heather brings all the fun and laughter to every situation, and I could not be more excited to gain her as a sister!

Mike Peuler


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