
Madelynn and Connor's Wedding





December 29, 2023

Oak Creek, WI

When They Met

August 15, 2021

It all started with res life at WLC! Connor and Madelynn were both RAs. Over the Summer, Connor received a call from his boss saying that he was being moved to a different building. Little did Connor know that he was being placed right across the hall from his future wife, Madelynn! They immediately hit it off and a few weeks after they met, Connor and Madelynn went with some friends to see one of their favorite bands. After the concert, Connor and Madelynn had to handle a res life situation. The mood was officially set- so Connor asked Madelynn on a date. From that point on, they were pretty much inseparable!

When He Proposed

October 14th, 2022

In the Summer, Connor moved to Florida but Madelynn had to finish up college in Wisconsin. Connor and Madelynn were so excited to see each other over her fall break. Little did Madelynn know that Connor had quite the surprise waiting for her! After getting back from the airport, Connor had Madelynn close her eyes and go out onto his balcony. Upon opening her eyes, Madelynn saw that the balcony was decorated elegantly. Connor then got on one knee and popped the question- they were officially engaged! (See the proposal pictures in the Photos page) The next day they celebrated their engagement in Disney World!

When They Got Married

May 21, 2023

Excited to start their lives in Florida together, Connor and Madelynn decided to have a small marriage ceremony with close family in Wisconsin. On this beautiful day, Connor and Madelynn exchanged vows and were officially married. After getting married, Connor and Madelynn honeymooned in Cozumel, Mexico, and then moved to Florida! All that is left is to celebrate their marriage with friends and family at their wedding! We are so excited to celebrate with you!

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