
Kayla & Jesse


Kayla Shuman


Jesse Beistline


May 20, 2023

Mount Joy, PA

The Beginning


Our story starts way back in middle school. Jesse and I sat next to each other in math class, where we became friends. Over the next few months, our friend groups intertwined, and we talked more and more. By the end of 7th grade, he had a crush on me. Unfortunately, I didn't really have an interest in dating at the time. Short-term middle school relationships weren't something I wanted to waste my time on. Any other teenage boy would have moved on to the next girl, but Jesse remained persistent. Throughout 8th grade, we talked every day. He always made it clear that he was still interested, while being patient and not forcing anything. By mid-8th grade, I was finally starting to develop a crush back. At this point, everyone at school knew Jesse "liked" me. I was practically harassed about it by kids in our grade, saying I should "just date him already." Despite the pressure, I continued to make poor Jesse wait to make it official. We actually had our first kiss and spent our first Valentine's Day together before we were even "dating"! The thought of a 13-year-old boy being so loyal and dedicated is surreal. I got so lucky that he waited for me to be ready. We finally made it official on May 4th, 2013. 10 years later, we're getting married! -Kayla

The Proposal


It was mid-May, 2021, just after our eight-year anniversary, and Kayla and I were on our favorite little getaway at the Delaware beaches. Ever since we could drive, we have been taking small trips to the Delaware shore for its' relaxing beaches, rich history, and most importantly, Grotto Pizza! Delaware has a special place in our hearts, thus making it the perfect place to ask the love of my life to be mine forever. On the evening of May 19th, 2021, we went to Bethany Beach to relax and take some photos together with a backdrop of the vast Atlantic Ocean. I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to catch Kayla by surprise with a ring. It was no elaborate plan, but it worked out perfectly as I pretended to take a picture of her staring into the ocean, hit the record button, and walked up behind her falling on one knee and proposing. I knew from the moment we had a connection way back in middle school that Kayla and I were meant to build a beautiful life together. I have never lost sight of that vision, even 10 years later. -Jesse

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