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April & Christopher



April Narvaez


Christopher Phillips

December 8, 2023

Houston, TX

How We Met


We matched on the Coffee Meets Bagel app, but I was traveling out of the country to visit my grandma in El Salvador and within a week or two I was traveling to London for a conference. By the time I got back stateside, our connection had expired ;( Between his genuine smile, cute face and the juxtaposition of the Brooklyn Bridge in his profile photo, I thought dang- I need to extend this chat so we can meet up! Apparently, he felt the same way and within the next few weeks we made plans for our first IRL date at the Houston Zoo for the annual Zoo Lights festival. Photo evidence of this first date might have existed if Chris hadn’t shooed away the photographers as soon as we entered the gates. C’est la vie. We would go on to plan date after date to spend time together. Then, on January 12, 2020 after watching a crushing Texans loss at a friend’s house, Chris asked to make our relationship official. <3 We remained steadfast together through all the ups and downs of the global pandemic and other trials life had in store. And now, we’re ready to celebrate navigating the rest of our lives together. Team Phishtabril 4evr.

The Proposal


I knew for a long time that I wanted to marry April. Leading up to our trip to Mexico City was a crazy time for the two of us. I had planned on proposing to April since May, began telling friends, and had a ring that was almost finished being made. Our dog, Otis, had been sick for a while, and his health was declining rapidly, which altered my plans. We decided to cancel the trip to take care of him, which was for the best. I told Otis that I was going to propose to April on his last night with us, and I truly believe that he passed away knowing we would be okay moving forward. We figured we could be sad at home or in Mexico City, so we chose the latter. I hid the ring in my luggage and checked it nonstop. I even tried to hide it in the safe of our hotel, but I couldn't figure out how to save the passcode. While originally planning to propose on top of a mountain, I thought the pyramids at Teotihuacan would work just as well. We had planned to visit the pyramids on the third day of our trip, so I dealt with constant anxiety about losing the ring for two days leading up to the big day. Finally, the day came. I drank too much water, and our Uber driver had to show me how to use the paid restrooms. When we finally arrived at Teotihuacan, I spent the entire time scouting out the pyramids for the best picture spot. After finding the perfect spot, I set up our tripod and tried to time the picture so I could run over, pull out the ring, get down on one knee, and propose. April had no idea and was getting grumpy, thinking I was just messing around. Finally, I got everything together, hit the picture button, and now we are planning a wedding.

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