April 2, 2021

Aarti & Ankur

    Family & Wedding Party

Family & Wedding Party

As the youngest on both sides of our families, we are so very lucky and blessed to have grown up with the most loving, supportive families anyone could ask for, and to be gaining an incredible new family. They have all helped shape the people we both have become, encouraged our dreams and guided us in ways we cannot thank them enough for. This dream wedding has been no exception. We don't know what we would do without you. Thank you and love you all so very much!

Jayanti & Jyoti

Parents of the Bride

Neesha & Parag

Sister & Brother-in-Law

Reena & Amit

Sister & Brother-in-law

Roopa and Squad

Sister, Nephews, Niece of the Bride

Roopa, Aanjay, Jaaden, Keerin, Shaay

Chandulal & Vanita

Parents of the Groom

Asha, Ryan, Dylan & Ayden

Sister, Brother-in-law, Nephews of the Groom

Amit, Monica, Arya, Ava

Brother, Sister-in-law, Neices of the Groom


Maid of Honor

I cannot be thankful enough every day for calling Aarti not only my baby sister but also my friend - my best friend. We have a unique relationship that consists of me telling her what to do and her not doing it. I am so excited that we have lived in the same city while her and Ankur met and I have had the chance to see her feelings evolve from the first date to the wedding! I have a million and one great stories I could share about our relationship but you will have have stay tuned for them in Mexico! Nos vemos en Mexico!!


Matron of Honor

What do I say about the gal who has played so many roles in my life!! She has been my lil’ bestie, “daughter”, roommate, babysitter, make up artist and so much more! Aarti was that little baby whose diapers I used to change to the little toddler who followed me around no matter what I was doing. But ultimately she grew up to be the teenager that didn’t talk to my husband for two years because she thought he was taking her “spot” in my life! She’s grown into such a beautiful, strong and independent woman. I’m over the moon to see her so happy with the love of her life!! Her big sista’ momma, Neesha.


Matron of Honor

I’m Aarti’s second oldest big sister! She’s the one who completed our family! Four girls.We are so blessed.The one thing I will always cherish is that our Dad always said he wanted daughters and the four of us have made his life very colorful and busy. All four of us have very different personalities and have remained so close throughout our lives, even with such a wide age difference. We all have different traits that somehow keep us glued to each other. Aarti is such an amazing person and I am so happy that she has found her happily ever after partner in life.She can keep Keerin and Shaay entertained for hours.Her heart is one of gold and she is a very caring person.She’s used to being babied her entire life by all of us but somehow she grew up and now we can’t wait until September!



I’ve known Aarti-my entire life! She’s my (sorta) cousin- more importantly my bff and partner in crime. We have gone through all phases of life together. From harassing neighbors to buy from our Kool-Aid stand to getting ready for hours regardless of where we’re going...or just to get the perfect selfie. So many of my best memories from growing up and now as an adult are with her.She’s the best friend everyone wishes for. I can always count on her if I need a helping hand or just an ear to listen, and I’m so thankful. If you know her, you know that she’s always going 100 mph, so when I met Ankur, I thought, wow, he’s so chill and composed!I couldn’t have thought of a more perfect match. I’m beyond happy for their next chapter and honored to be a part of their big day!Vamos a la playa!



Aarti and I have been friends forever, well actually since elementary school but who is counting. If I was asked to describe her, I would say she has a joy for life and her happiness is absolutely infectious.I can still remember countless sleepovers and football games (Holla at Yo Girl! Yo)! In our young and super corny years where we could stay up all night just having a blast with all of the girls of our posse.We even attended college together. WE ARE..PENN STATE!It’s been so fun going through this life journey with her and I honestly cannot wait to see what the future holds for her and Ankur.I am so happy my friend found her one true love and hope our friendship continues until we are old and grey and we can look back on all of the little moments where our paths have crossed and smile!



I met Aarti back in 2014 at a happy hour only to receive a text a few weeks later from Aarti saying she joined the same gym as me. Soon our friendship blossomed from gym buddies to friends who said we were “going to the gym” only to end up at Kite & Key for dinner and drinks after work. We watched each other grow a lot in the past few years. I also had the pleasure of watching Aarti & Ankur’s relationship grow from her texting me about how to navigate those first few dates to when Ankur asked Aarti to be his girlfriend and most recently, when Ankur proposed. I cannot wait to now watch these two love birds walk into married life together!



Aarti, my homegirl!We've been rocking since 2013 at the "Stein". When we met, we clicked instantly like we've known each other for years!! We've encouraged, supported and valued each other immensely. I’d like to think I have a pretty big part in this union of Aarti and Ankur. So long story short- I encouraged/forced Aarti to “shoot her shot” to Ankur after simply seeing a Facebook picture of him and thinking he was cute. After many, well thought out and witty text messages later, Ankur was the one who ended up swooning Aarti. And here we are now. Seriously, though we are beyond ecstatic for this union and we know there will be loads of happiness in the future! Aarti, my best friend, you deserve nothing but happiness and I'm so glad I get to share this exciting time with you!! Love ya tizz!



I met Aarti two decades ago in kindergarten. We became friends,despite my love for cats and the farm life.Aarti prefers the company of dogs, and prefers the city any day.But despite our differences, we navigated through school, life and EVERYTHING in between.She was the first one I would go to for help with my makeup, dance moves and advice-she is always striving to help others and years later, that still holds true.I’ll never forget the day Aarti told me about Ankur and the way her face lit up as she spoke about him.As their relationship grew,I got to meet him and could not of imagined a more perfect person for Aarti. They compliment each other so well.I am so happy that she has a man like Ankur to share life with!I’m lucky to call them my friends, and honored to be a part of the wedding!



Freshmen year at Penn State my assigned roommate was absolute nightmare. Luckily, I met a girl down the hall who was in the same major as me, and whose roommate had never shown up to school. This girl was really friendly, always smiling, had an awesome wardrobe....and needed a roommate. Aarti was super kind to invite me to room with her shortly after we met. We instantly bonded over our love of shopping, parties, boys, our major (Hospitality, which we both promptly dropped after freshman year) and all things Penn State. We were inseparable, the Double Mint Twins, and I am forever grateful for her kindness, her bubbly personality, and her original roommate that dropped out of college before it even started.



I met Aarti through a mutual friend in school. At first, neither of us liked each other but eventually we became inseparable. Throughout the years, we were always at one of our houses. From college camps, ghost tours, walking in town, dancing to “Yeah", and having lunches at the "gravey", we did everything together. She was one of the reasons that sold me on going to PSU, which we also lived together there for most of the time. She was always like an extended member of my family, as I was her's. Our friendship got us through a lot of difficult and significant moments in our lives. This is another milestone moment in Aarti's life and I couldn't be happier for her and Ankur. It's always a remarkable thing when you find your soulmate, and there's no one more fitting to be Aarti's than Ankur.


Best Man

You could say that this wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for me. When I got Aarti’s message I knew I had the impossible job of convincing Ankur to care enough to respond. When I told him, his direct response was “cool” and that was it. I knew they would like each other, so with some effort, my wife Monica and I finally convinced him to respond and they hit it off... Growing up, Ankur and I were inseparable, playing basketball after school and then play PlayStation till mom and dad yelled at us to go to bed. I even helped him discover his favorite plant, the Fern. Over the years, I knew I could depend on Ankur, especially when it came to help me move, or to put together the IKEA furniture that I didn’t want to do. I’m so excited to see Ankur and Aarti as they enter this next great phase.



I first met Ankur when I was still in high school and friends with Amit. I wanted to play basketball and video games with Amit and he brought his younger brother along. He was just the nerdy little brother to one of my friends (nerdy is a compliment). Then I got a chance to party hardy with him when he would make visits to Penn State where we introduced him to flavored water. Then I stared in amazement at his amazing renditions of Natasha Bedingfield. Then I decided to marry his sister and eventually have two beautiful kids and then have him live with me for 3 years and be an amazing uncle. Ankur is such a great person with a tremendous heart, and any woman would be lucky to have him. He’s the nicest dude, unless you are standing while eating. Welcome to the family Aarti!!



Ankur’s the sweetest lil bro who is loyal to a fault and always shows up when you need him! He's been there through my good times and bad. He's always honest and will let you know whats on his mind no matter what. The love he shows his nieces and nephews shows just how caring he is. Every time he comes over he shows up in basketball shorts and a robe. When my now wife met him, Ankur came dressed in his usual attire, Bijal asked me if there was something wrong with him. I simply replied, "that's Ankur, just get to know him.” By the end of the night he was her favorite. It's going to take a lot for Aarti to get him put real clothes on, even when they have company over. That's because he is so confident in the person that he is and that is just a glimpse of why I love Ankur with all my heart!



I've known Ankur for a long, long time- since back in the day when me and his brother were mixing chocolate milk and dokra on the mean streets of PA... But I only learned of Ankur's true power more recently on a ski trip. Long story short, Ankur's chocolate milk and dokra finally came out, and 14 people had to evacuate a condo in sub-zero degree weather. That happened over a decade ago at this point, and that house still don't smell right. Aarti, you caught your self a stinky one... but he's OUR special stinky one and I'll take that brand of "Sugandh" any day. On behalf of entire Sutaria family, we are looking forward to introducing Aarti to our family's distinct olfactory palette. Word of advice- get a mask girl & breath through your mouth ;)



I've known Ankur for 12 years (crazy because it's over a third of our lives!) We met freshmen year and became fast friends. We’ve been through lots of ups and downs that college throws at you, and have grown up alot together. We used to joke how we’re the same person, just different skin color, and that is definitely true as time has gone on; I'm the white Ankur and he's the brown Will! Ankur is the friend that's always been there, the guy you could, without a doubt, rely on for anything: from the 2AM Wawa runs, road trips, study sessions, all the "new" things that growing up in your 20s throws at you. He's the friend who keeps you accountable, and the confidant you can trust with life's most important questions, and was a great roommate. Aarti has really lucked out with this guy!



Story to be updated... Stay tuned!



I met Ankur back in ‘08 when USP crammed us and our third roommate, George into a dorm room meant for 2. Ankur and I would be roommates for several more years and now life long friends. The two us along with Big Oak Billy quickly became inseparable. We moved from the dorms, to a campus suite, and finally to the perfect row home for 5 young men to learn about life. The memories we made along our journey are some I wish to never forget. The friendship Ankur and I have is one of the best I have to date. Who would have thought as freshman we would be this close 12 years later. Me moving to Florida may have limited the closeness we once had, but our bond remains as strong as ever. I welcome Aarti to a life long friendship and hope for many amazing memories like the ones we already have.

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