COVID-19 UPDATE: We kindly ask that if any guest is not fully vaccinated by our wedding date, that a Covid-19 test is taken prior to attending the wedding events. Thank you for your support in ensuring the safety of all our guests.
COVID-19 UPDATE: We kindly ask that if any guest is not fully vaccinated by our wedding date, that a Covid-19 test is taken prior to attending the wedding events. Thank you for your support in ensuring the safety of all our guests.
October 16, 2021
Danbury, NH

Alison & Tony

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Emma Lynch

Maid of Honor

Alison's sister and best friend since Day 1. Emma and I are two peas in a pod. After sharing a bedroom for 14 years growing up, we decided to live together again in Southie in our 20's- that's how much we love being together. It means so much to me that Tony and Emma have also become great friends. Our sisterhood is so special and strong and I am honored to have Emma as my Maid of Honor. Emma lives in South Boston with her Fiancé Andrew, and my fur nephew Mick.

Nikolas Baum

Best Man

Tony's brother, best friend, and best man.

Caitlin Meier


Alison's best friend since freshman year of High School. Caitlin and I have been best friends since we both showed up for Cross Country practice in 2003. We have been through all the highs and lows of life together and I am so grateful for our 17- year friendship. Caitlin lives in Norton, MA with her husband Justin, her beautiful baby daughter Charlotte (My Goddaughter!!), and their two pups - Lilly and Bear.

Christopher Fusco


Tony's best friend growing up. Tony and Fusco were inseparable in middle school and high school.

Marie Agosta


Alison's best friend since freshman year of college. Marie and I met at Emmanuel College and spent many fun days in Boston together exploring the city and growing from teens into our twenties together. Marie went on to join the PeaceCorps in Ethopia and then study in Europe. I'm glad to have her back in the US! Marie lives in Connecticut with her husband Nic, their precious baby Arthur, and their big dog Jerry!

Toshiro Baum


Tony's cousin and eating companion during the holidays. Toshi currently lives in DC with his wife, Solianna.

Amanda Attaei


Alison's best friend since freshman year of college. Amanda and I met at Emmanuel College and shared a room sophomore year. Amanda has a love of great film, comedy and literature and I have learned so much from her. We always have so much fun together no matter what we are doing! Amanda lives in Westborough, MA with her sister Angie and their cute dogs Mya and Apollo.

Andrew Lynch


Alison's brother, and now one of tony's friends! Andrew currently lives in the Netherlands.

Devon Herlihy


Alison's best friend from their Boston days. Devon and I became fast friends working at the Children's Hospital together. We had endless fun together when we both lived in Boston, and although we have both moved out of the city we remain just as close, texting and face-timing often. We also love to travel and explore together and are always planning trips. Devon lives in sunny Phoenix, AZ and works at Make A Wish Foundation.

Joshua Reed


Tony's friend from work, basketball teammate, and fellow Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) rider.

Michelle Fellini


Alison's best friend from their nanny days. Michelle and I became close when we both worked for families in the same neighborhood in Newton. We encouraged the children to also become friends so we could hang out everyday- it was wonderful. Michelle left nannying to open her own successful daycare. Michelle lives in Walople, MA with her husband Joe, their two boys- JoeJoe and Eddie, and their sweet dog, Lady.

Kyle Beaudreault


Tony's friend from work and adventure buddy. Ask Kyle about the time Tony invited himself on a vacation with him.

Deirdre Horan


Alison's best friend from Boston Deirdre and I became friends working at Boston Children's Hospital. We loved spending time together in Boston and also traveling on girls trips. When our other friends started to move out of Boston, Deej and I started going to different workout classes together or just strolling around Castle Island chatting about our days. Deej is busy starting her company, Dri, where she is recycling plastic from our oceans and repurposing the waste into high quality umbrellas. Deirdre lives in Western Mass with her Fiancé, Eric.

Brian Veronesi


Tony's best friend from UNH and roommate for many years in Boston.

Callie Walker


Alison's best friend from Boston. Callie and I became great friends while working at Boston Children's Hospital, often getting together in the evenings after work. We love to travel and find unique bars and restaurants. Callie has the best style of anyone I know and I always go to her for advice for anything fashion related. Callie lives in Maine with her fiancé, Tucker, and their two dogs, Blue and Abe (@riffraffboys).

Greg Brown

Ceremony Reader

Tony and Alison's mutual friend who introduced them in Boston. He also rode the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) with Tony.

Andrew Leblanc

Ceremony Reader

Alison's future Brother-in-Law Andrew and I became close friends over the years of him and Emma dating- having endless fun in Southie and Newport all together. We even played on kickball and volleyball teams! Andrew is an avid golfer, a devoted sports fan, and the most fun person I know. I am so lucky that my future brother-in-law is also one of Tony and I's best friends and favorite people. Andrew lives in Southie with Emma and their good boy, Mick.

Marylyn Clark


Marylyn is Alison's cousin and someone she has looked up to her entire life. My earliest and happiest memories are up at Newfound Lake and include Marylyn and the Clark family. Tony quickly connected with Marylyn, spending many days at the lake together and she has watched our love grow. We aspire to have a marriage like John and Marylyn (married in August 1966-going on 55 years!) and we are honored to have her officiate our ceremony. Marylyn lives in NH with her husband John. She has three children and five grandchildren whom she loves caring for- she is a cherished Nana! When she is not spending time with her grandchildren, she loves relaxing at the lake, reading and singing.

John and Judy Lynch

Parents of the Bride

Alison is so thankful for her loving and supportive parents. They show endless support no matter what I am doing- from pursuing fine arts to nannying to trading stocks, their support has never wavered and because of that I have always been able to find true joy. They quickly embraced Tony as a family member and I love that they are so comfortable and enjoy each other so much. John built his career helping others through social work at JRI. He loves to spend time in Newport walking his dog Wallace, dining at restaurants and listening to jazz music. He is also passionate about Art & horse racing. Judy is an RN, managing the busy ICU floor at Miriam Hospital. Her energy is endless! She loves running (and has been winning her age division!), hiking, kayaking and dining with John.

Tom and Caryn Baum

Parents of the Groom

Tony is so thankful to have such loving and supportive parents. My parents have always been a positive influence in my life and they taught me to always show respect to others and be a good person. I am truly the man I am today because of them. They immediately loved Alison and my Mom especially enjoyed having another girl around. Tom loves to sing in the house, work on cars, and ride his stationary bike. He always seems to be reading something and he loves to play words with friends. Caryn is the life of the party and her personality is contagious. She is very passionate about cooking and shopping.

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