
Nicole & Alex

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us.



Most likely to: Bust out a dance move in a non-dancing situation.



Most likely to: Show up to your kid's baseball game with a homemade sign with their name on it.

Natalie Vansant

Maid of Honor

Relation: Sister of the Bride Most likely to: Be the first one out on the dancefloor.

Grant Wanier

Best Man

Relation: Alex’s lifelong friend (Like since they were in diapers together) Most likely to: Be the life of the party and thanks to the Navy, be the most responsible one at the same time.

Irene Heidelberg

Mother of the Bride

Most likely to: Serve you up a good home cooked meal with hefty side of honesty.

Kathy Nichols

Mother of the Groom

Most likely to: Know your favorite kind of ice cream so she can have it on hand in case you come over for dinner.

Terry Heidelberg

Father of the Bride

Most likely to: Tell you what NASA has been up to lately.

Gary Nichols

Father of the Groom

Most likely to: Make friends with everyone in the room and know their gossip by the end of the night.

Elise Vansant

Ceremony Presenter

Relation: Nicole’s niece Most likely to: Ask you if you've been drinking while wagging a finger.

Anne Smith

Sister of the Groom (pictured with partner, Dave Nordahl)

Most likely to: Be the best sports mom in history.

Felix Vansant


Relation: Nicole’s nephew Most likely to: School you in Valorant (its a video game).

Herb Wanier


Relation: Alex’s godfather and longtime family friend Most likely to: Try to convince you he is related to Vincent Van Gogh. (Hint: his last name is pronounced one-ear.)


Flower Dog

Most likely to: Get anything she wants.